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Is Winter Promise a Christian curriculum?


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Why do these topics have to have "spin" on them for either side? I don't get it. For instance the burning of innocent people in Salem by deeply religious Protestants is presented as a sad time in American history without any "oh, those evil Puritans" But let it be something the Catholic church has done and oh, boy, hold on to you hat.



Actually, this is sort of what 100 True Tales says. Jonathan Edwards of the Great Awakening was characterized as somebody who was interested in scaring his parishioners for the purpose of keeping them attending faithfully. The Salem Witch Trials were almost exactly described as "evil Puritans", and the Spanish missions were similarly villified. It's very much bending over backwards to favor the "underdog" in history- people of color, Native Americans, those are the ones painted sympathetically. I realize this is a result of trying to be balanced, rather than tilt toward those who were in power at the time of the events, but it comes across more politically correct-"ish" than I would like it to do. As I said, we skipped these stories (well, I rephrased the Jonathan Edwards one).

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I have heard these are pretty decent for Catholic history.




The only problem I could see with Winter Promise is that you may have to preread to make sure there is nothing explicitly anti-Catholic. Their statement of beliefs does have some pieces that go against the Catholic faith. But I don't know that it actually turns up anywhere.


I have never used them, just because I don't want to order and then find out that there is too much that we can't use.


Hope this helps.

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