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Can we talk summer camp?

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My 9 yo dd has an opportunity to go to summer camp for a week this summer. I LOVED summer camp when I was young (Girl Scout & Church camps) and would love for my daughter to have the same fun experiences.


Then there is a part of me struggling with the whole thought of leaving my daughter, with people I do not know, hours from home, without me (or another family member). How do I do this?

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What does she want to do? It IS only one week and she is old enough to tell you if anything is going on there that she doesn't like. If she feels strongly about going and really wants to do it, I'd probably let her.


If, on the other hand, she is unsure, hesitant, or could take it or leave it I wouldn't take it upon myself to push the issue and I'd wait another year or two before suggesting it to her or whatever, or until she brought it up and asked about it and really wanted to do it.


(As for regular summer camp that is for multiple weeks, on the other hand, as opposed to just one week, I would feel would be too long for a 9 y/o and probably wouldn't do that. I think I was 11 when I first went to sleepaway camp and I think that was a good age for it). But one week of GS camp with a 9 y/o who really, really wanted to do it- yeah, I'd probably say okay.

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It is scary, isn't it? Our son, who had never even had a sleepover other than with a grandparent, went to summer camp for three weeks when he was 10. It was several states from where we live.


He was fine. And, more amazingly, so was I. I was jittery for a few days, but it was much easier than I expected. He went to camp for four weeks last summer (age 12), also quite far away, and he loved it.


So if you find a camp you trust and your daughter is excited about it, you'll do fine. And if she's hesitant, there's always next summer. Good luck!

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She has been asking about camp since last year. She isn't shy or hesitant and it would not phase her to send her away to spend a week with strangers.


We're in a new state and I don't know anyone who has attended this camp before. I've sent an e-mail the the very small local homeschool group, but we need to respond by May 30th to secure the spot. Any other way of finding out if the camp is a good one?

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My 8 yr old loves summer camp... she's been to a number of girl scout and church camps, starting with short mom-daughter overnight camps at age 5. This year she'll do a 5 day farm camp and a 7 day girl scout camp. My younger daughter will go to her first mom-daughter camp this summer. She's very independent and would love to head off to camp like her big sister, but I'm not convinced she has the social skills to handle it.


Having been a girl scout camp counselor, I have a good feeling about the organization and the safety regulation and the levels of oversight that exists there. But other organizations? It's worth checking up on.


Check to see if the camp is ACA accredited (http://www.acacamps.org/)... it's a sign that they've met standards and have been reviewed. But plenty of camps haven't been through that process - in which case I'd dig deeper. I'd try to talk to parents who've had kids there before... and talk to the director of the camp too. Ask about the staff and background checks and safety and whatever other concerns you might have (what do they do about homesickness, etc...). Also, many camps have an open day where you can come check out the facilities.


I'm sure your daughter will have a blast at camp! But I do know how hard it is to let them go!

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I know how you feel, our son went for the first time last year, for a week. Our camp was somewhat local though.

One thing we did that eased my mind tremendously- the kids were not allowed to have cell phones at the camp- we sent a cell phone along, turned off and wrapped in a plastic baggie, discretely placed in the suicase. We instructed our son he was not to get the phone out unless he needed us. He promised, the phone stayed hidden in the suitcase, and my mind was greatly eased.

We actually wandered around feeling strange for the first couple days due to his absence. :D Then it was fine. He had a great time and is looking forward to this year.



Edited by jazzyfizzle
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