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Stuck about History Curriculum 3rd grade....


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Ok, so here is my problem. We are starting to homeschool this coming year and I have all our curriculum figured out (I think) except History/Social Studies. In NC we have to do a standardized test at the end of every year that is sent into the state just to show where our kids stand. So I want to try and make sure to cover what will be on these tests so she does well. When I go on the Standard Course of Study it says they teach them Citizenship in the 3rd gade for History.


I have search everywhere for a curriculum that covers this and have come up empty handed. I would prefer to stick with textbooks since this is our first year and I am not comfortable with making my own curricula yet.


Have any of you taught Citizenship in History and if so what curriculum did you use?


I have talked with other hs parents and they say they just don't worry about their kids Science and History scores on the test because they are not testing on what they have taught their kids they are testing on what the ps is teaching. That makes sence to me and I am wondering if I should do the same. But then my other thought is what if homeschooling doesn't work out for some reason or another and then she has learning gaps. I am just starting to feel overwhelmed and scared because it is getting closer I think. I wish it was four years from now and we knew what we were doing :eek:!



Any advise would be great! I could really use it right now!



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Welcome to homeschooling! We are also in NC. We use the CAT 5 test and it doesn't cover History/Social Studies, yet anyway. As far as I know the CAT 5 only covers LA and Math, which is all that is required by law in NC. You do NOT send in your scores to the state. You do that only if they ask you to participate in their by mail program. I was asked this year to participate and told them no. It is optional, and not required. We are required to keep on file ( in our home) attendance record, immunization record or form stating why we don't immunize and the last year's test results. We do not have to send them in to the state.


I can't help you with textbooks ( what provider etc) because we don't use them, except for ocassional reference. The first year I homeschooled I went to a PTA thrift store about this time of year, and they had a ton of textbooks for Social Studies, Science etc for 50 cents per book. That's in Siler City, in case you are nearby. You don't have to spend a fortune to homeschool, especially on textbooks. my husband loves to tell me that past history doesn't change, math doesn't change etc etc. So, why keep buying the newest version especially since I only use them as a reference.


Blessings! Let me know if I can help you in any way.


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I went to your state's board of education website and looked at the approved book lists, which in turn led me to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Brace publishers...


Social Studies 2008 Student Book


The 3rd grade one listed is Communities.


You could also contact a local school and see if they have any (used) text books for third graders. Short of that, and looking through the social study requirements in your state for a 3rd grader, it looks like it's all about people who made a contribution in some way, so you could spend a year reading biographies. I'd recommend using something like Fifty Famous People as a jumping off point.

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Welcome to homeschooling! We are also in NC. We use the CAT 5 test and it doesn't cover History/Social Studies, yet anyway. As far as I know the CAT 5 only covers LA and Math, which is all that is required by law in NC. You do NOT send in your scores to the state. You do that only if they ask you to participate in their by mail program. I was asked this year to participate and told them no. It is optional, and not required. We are required to keep on file ( in our home) attendance record, immunization record or form stating why we don't immunize and the last year's test results. We do not have to send them in to the state.


I can't help you with textbooks ( what provider etc) because we don't use them, except for ocassional reference. The first year I homeschooled I went to a PTA thrift store about this time of year, and they had a ton of textbooks for Social Studies, Science etc for 50 cents per book. That's in Siler City, in case you are nearby. You don't have to spend a fortune to homeschool, especially on textbooks. my husband loves to tell me that past history doesn't change, math doesn't change etc etc. So, why keep buying the newest version especially since I only use them as a reference.


Blessings! Let me know if I can help you in any way.




The co-op that we have here in my county does the CAT 5 also so I looked it up and saw there were two versions. There was one that does History and one that doesn't. I hope that we can choose which one to give to our kids. If that is the case then I will choose the one that doesn't!!


I had been told that you had to send in your test results and that they would come and audit you if you didn't. But then other people told me different things. Then when I call Raleigh they don't really give you a staight answer either. I guess as long as I have the test results and my attendance records and immunizations on file then I will be good either way.




Thanks for all your advice!!

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I went to your state's board of education website and looked at the approved book lists, which in turn led me to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Brace publishers...


Social Studies 2008 Student Book


The 3rd grade one listed is Communities.


You could also contact a local school and see if they have any (used) text books for third graders. Short of that, and looking through the social study requirements in your state for a 3rd grader, it looks like it's all about people who made a contribution in some way, so you could spend a year reading biographies. I'd recommend using something like Fifty Famous People as a jumping off point.


WOW!! I hope I can find things like that after I have been doing this for a while!! How awesome!!


That book about the Fifty Famous People looks great! Maybe if I got that and then did little lessons on each person about how they helped their community and if they hadn't done what they did then how would the outcome be different, type stuff.



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We do the testing ourselves, it's allowed with the CAT 5. I purchase mine through one of two places. Here is the long version CAT 5 http://www.christianlibertypress.com/services.htm Here is the short version called the E survey http://www.setonbooks.com/search.php?subject=Testing&grade=&userSearchString=&x=18&y=8


Both are the exact same test, one is just the "short" version. I do the short version for the 10 and under crowd. The long version for the over 10 child. I don't see a reason to stress out my younger kids, but my older child needs to learn how to sit and take a test because we hope they will go to college/or the military.


Raleigh is very confusing, they never give you a straight answer. Everything that you need to know is on the website. http://www.ncdnpe.org/index.asp


You do not have to follow the state standard course of study, that is for public schools, not home schools.


Just keep your records on file in case you need them. Every year the state randomly choose people to voluntarily allow them to see your test results, attendance etc. If they choose you then you will get a post card in the mail. By the way, do not ever lose your orange card, they won't replace it. Every July/August they will send you a card asking if you intend to home schol the next year. Just fill it out and mail it back in or submit it online. It's not a big deal.


I'm in Randolph county, but we go to Greensboro several times a week. If you are in that area there's a ton of play groups and co-ops available.


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WOW!! I hope I can find things like that after I have been doing this for a while!! How awesome!!


That book about the Fifty Famous People looks great! Maybe if I got that and then did little lessons on each person about how they helped their community and if they hadn't done what they did then how would the outcome be different, type stuff.




They have a nice edition by Yesterday's Classics for $9.95. I have purchased other books printed by YC, and they are well done publications of classics.


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We do the testing ourselves, it's allowed with the CAT 5. I purchase mine through one of two places. Here is the long version CAT 5 http://www.christianlibertypress.com/services.htm Here is the short version called the E survey http://www.setonbooks.com/search.php?subject=Testing&grade=&userSearchString=&x=18&y=8


Both are the exact same test, one is just the "short" version. I do the short version for the 10 and under crowd. The long version for the over 10 child. I don't see a reason to stress out my younger kids, but my older child needs to learn how to sit and take a test because we hope they will go to college/or the military.


Raleigh is very confusing, they never give you a straight answer. Everything that you need to know is on the website. http://www.ncdnpe.org/index.asp


You do not have to follow the state standard course of study, that is for public schools, not home schools.


Just keep your records on file in case you need them. Every year the state randomly choose people to voluntarily allow them to see your test results, attendance etc. If they choose you then you will get a post card in the mail. By the way, do not ever lose your orange card, they won't replace it. Every July/August they will send you a card asking if you intend to home schol the next year. Just fill it out and mail it back in or submit it online. It's not a big deal.


I'm in Randolph county, but we go to Greensboro several times a week. If you are in that area there's a ton of play groups and co-ops available.



I am in Concord, in Cabarrus county. So you are just on the other side of the Asheboro Zoo from us. We love to go there and plan on doing fieldtrips there now :001_smile:!! I am excited about fieldtrips. My ds (4) is very happy that he gets to go on them now he just wants to be able to go on a school bus to one like his sister has, not sure how I will pull that one off.......maybe take a bus there, haha!


I sent in my Notice of Intent to Raleigh and got it back about 5 days later saying that I need to send it back in 2 months. I figured they would be happy to get it early and get it out of the way, but I guess they need it after a certain date.


Do you have to be a college graduate to administer the CAT 5? I know some of the tests you do. I would prefer to give it myself if I can keep myself from giving her hints :thumbdown: :thumbup:. I will just have to remind myself that I need to see where she truely is and she will never get there if I help her.


Thanks for all of your help you have no idea how much it has helped! I feel much better!



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The Asheboro Zoo is 30 mins from my house, it's practically our second home! Homeschoolers can go there free once a year after giving 2 week notice to the zoo. I bought a family pass from coyote point museum ( in CA) it covers the zoo, aquarium, science centers and transportation museum....all that's 90 miles from San Francisco are free! It's saved me a ton of money. It's here http://www.coyoteptmuseum.org/support-us/become-a-member Scroll halfway down the page and you will see the link to the reciprocal program. I'd be happy to meet you on a field trip over there. My 3 almost 4 yr old is also obsessed with "school" and riding a school bus.:tongue_smilie:


They do have cut off dates for registering for the school year. It's partially because they compile statistics every year of how many homeschoolers there are in each county. They have to have a cut off date so they can send in their report to the state. I did mine in Feb. the first year. Every summer they will send you a card to "renew". This school year they started letting us do it online with a code from the card, it was very quick and easy.


You do not have to be a college graduate to administer the CAT 5. The Christian Liberty Press site just this year, added an option to let your child take it on the computer. All the parent has to do is purchase the test and log the child in. That's what I'm planning to do for my 11 yr old next month. Normally, we'd have tested already but my son had to have emergency surgery and now the Dr says he's going to need another surgery. It's thrown our schedule out of whack.


I'm glad that I've made you feel better! It's intimidating when you are first starting to homeschool.

Take care,


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Guest RecumbentHeart

I'm in Mecklenburg county, just down the road from Concord actually. :D We're not ready to register this year but all this info is great.

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I'm in Mecklenburg county, just down the road from Concord actually. :D We're not ready to register this year but all this info is great.


We are about 2 miles from the Speedway so Mecklenburg is just a hop and a skip from us, how funny! We should all get together and go to the zoo or something!! How old are your kids? I have heard that Mecklenburg has a HUGE homeschool group that is wonderful.



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Just in Cabarrus County there are over 600 families that are homeschooling. Just since I decided to I have heard of so many people who are thinking about it or who are planning to start once they have kids. Actually several of the teachers in my dd's school have told me they are going to hs their kids. What does that tell you?


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Guest RecumbentHeart

We love the zoo :D We haven't been to that one yet but would love to. My children are 4 and 1 (Feb. birthdays) and 2 and "still baking" (Sept. birthday/due date). Some friends from our church used to live right there near the speedway so I'm vaguely remembering that it's not too far away at all. :) Pretty much all our friends homeschool and quite a few of them were either P.S. teachers or are the wives of teachers.

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We live in Cabarrus County as well and my boys took the CAT with the local homeschool group this year. We have been homeschooling for 2 years and I have never followed the NC standard course of study and my boys have always scored very well. I wouldn't sweat it. Just do what interests you for history and it will all work out. Most of my friends are homeschoolers and don't worry about it either. In fact, I've never even looked up the standard course of study, nor has it been recommended to me(I have twins that are entering the 3rd grade as well) Welcome to homeschooling!

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We live in Cabarrus County as well and my boys took the CAT with the local homeschool group this year. We have been homeschooling for 2 years and I have never followed the NC standard course of study and my boys have always scored very well. I wouldn't sweat it. Just do what interests you for history and it will all work out. Most of my friends are homeschoolers and don't worry about it either. In fact, I've never even looked up the standard course of study, nor has it been recommended to me(I have twins that are entering the 3rd grade as well) Welcome to homeschooling!


Sorry I don't know how to take sections out of what people say to show what I am asking about :001_unsure:. About the local homeschool group that your boys took the CAT with was it the CCHSA? I plan on joining that on their one day sign up. Now that I hear that so many families just do what interests them it makes me feel so much better. I guess as long as your kids ar interested and they are learning that is what matters!! I just can't wait to get started.


I can't believe how many homeschoolers are on here from this area. That is making me feel better too!! I was affraid that I would hear that there were a ton of them around but I wouldn't be able to find any.


Just curious, what are you doing for Science and History next year?


Thanks, Sarah

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We use MFW for our main schooling. I've tried many, many other things in the last 3 years, this is the only one we've been happy with for longer than 3 weeks!


There's a ton of homeschoolers in NC. My first park day with triadhomeschoolers, I wanted to cry from joy. There was at least 50 other families....3 years later it's closer to 100!


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Oh I hope our first park day is like that! I tried to go to one that a mom just told me about and I did not see anyone. I am hoping that I just went to the wrong part of the park or something.


Does your area do a lot of fieldtips? If so do several people participate or is it a hit or miss type thing?

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We do about 2 field trips a month. Our group has a database and if you dont sign up fast enough for one with limited numbers, then you might not get to go. We missed out on touring an airplane last month because we were on vacation that week. We do a park day every week, then the field trips are on additional days. That way if the database closes/ people can't afford the field trips, everyone can still see their friends that week. The group organizes an Easter egg hunt, Christmas party, science days etc. We usually go to the zoo once a year, the Natural Science Center in Greensboro several times a year, apple picking,and so on. The Moms take turns planning a month at a time.


I went to a park day last month not knowing it had been canceled due to rain forecasted. It happens sometimes, especially this time of year when so many people are spring cleaning/going on vacation. I usually dress my kids in Thing 1 & Thing 2 shirts so that I can find them at the park.


I need to get going so that I can go peel shrimp, we don't eat meat on Fridays.

Take Care,


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