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3rd grade revised


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Ok, so how does this look


Tog year 4 for history, geography, and literature


Writing- May use some TOG stuff, especially writing a paragraph. I feel like she ought to be writing paragraphs now. I will also use WWE 2.


Grammar- I like MCT, but I'm not sure she's ready for it. We'll see. I have Daily Grams that I might use. She has done FLL 1.


Science- interest led from myriad of resources


Violin Practice


Powerglide Junior Spanish


She will play either soccer or basketball. I'm not sure which one she will choose next year. (We only allow one sport.)



What I am unsure about is spelling and phonics. We have hit a wall with Saxon. She is having trouble reading the harder words. Neither of us can remember all the tons of rules that are being thrown at us. So I am thinking we will put it away for now. I will pull it back out for next year?? I will continue with Phonic Pathways for now and we should finish in June.


Elizabeth suggested her sight for spelling, so I might do that. But here is what I am dealing with:


Originally Posted by ElizabethB viewpost.gif

My chart for reading shows (bottom right) that si is sh as in mission 65% of the time, and it doesn't say it there, but it's usually 2 s's for sh. It is zh as in vision 35% of the time, 1 s.




I guess I don't understand how this helps. If she is writing a sentence, then she will ask motion...is it sion or tion??? The tree blew down... She will start crying because she can't decide if it should be bloo like in moo, or blew?? That is typical of the questions she asks . (She has never asked the blew question but things like it that I don't know the answer.) I mean she will tell me the possiblities it can be: ea, ee for teacher?? Ee is for the middle of words, right?? See what I mean. The fact that something happens 25 percent of the time doesn't help her know she is 100 percent right in what she wants to spell, so she ends up in tears.


She wrote the following sentence from dictation, never having seen it before: The cat jumpt down the long hallway. The only error she made was a silly one that she knew, but when I said let us look at the word jump she starts crying and saying, “I spelled everything wrong. I’m just dumb. Everyone in my Sunday School class writes long paragraphs and I just write stupid simple sentences.†After discussing that, I said how do you spell jump in the past tense… “oh, yeah, ed.†So to me, she spells well. She just asks so many questions about spelling that are beyond me.





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I think your new schedule looks much more doable. If you feel MCT is too much, than Daily Grams is a good back-up. We have that too, and my daughter really enjoys it! In fact, I can't stop flip flopping around about what I should use for grammar next year. Daily grams is one we own already & is an option as well.




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