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Just how important is logic (as a scheduled class)?

Melissa B

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I have finished dd12's schedule for next year. She has 9 credit hours scheduled. Hypothetically, she has time to accomplish this. We school year round (45 weeks) and approximately 50 hours per week.


But, I worry it would be tight trying to get everything done. There are 6.5 credits I feel are required:


science 1cr

math 1cr

english 1cr

Latin 1cr

history 1cr

literature 1cr

geography .5 cr


There are 2.0 additional credits my daughter doesn't want to drop:


French .5 cr

Art .5 cr

an additional science 1 cr


So that only leaves a .5 credit of logic that we both feel could possibly be dropped. She has never had formal logic and really only has this year and next to fit it in. Next year's schedule should look exactly like this year.


So do we just let it go? Or is it important enough to squeeze in a half credit this year and a half credit next year?

Edited by Melissa B
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