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Helping dd13 make a decision

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DD13 had expressed an interest in homeschooling as well since her 2 younger sisters came home. Now she is floundering.


Her biggest concern is she isn't sure she can do it without people around her. She's a social butterfly. But she isn't expressing any thing else as a deciding factor.


I know she would do well and would quite likely enjoy it. We already know there is remedial work necessary, that we are doing whether she is at home or not.


As of next week, the younger 2 are taking a once a week art class with fellow homeschoolers, there is also a group for dd13 age as well. There are other fieldtrips and things our local groups organize. So I don't see her being isolated at all.


But what other things is a 13yo concerned about, in terms of leaving school to be homeschooled.

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My oldest wanted to homeschool her 8th grade year. I made sure she understood that the commitment was for the entire school year. It was a good time to try it as she wasn't in highschool yet. One of the mistakes I made was not setting up times to socialize. Sounds like you have that covered. The other thing we had to deal with was obeying mom in the teacher role. I've seen that mentioned in other posts. Kids who leave a schooling situation aren't always as cooperative for mom as they are for a teacher outside the home.


Good luck!

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If she came home, what social outlets would she have? She seems to be similar to my dd12 who is a social person and truly needs peers. She's always been unhappy if she had no friends, and was fine when she did have at least one friend. This year has been the best because she's in homeschool classes and has done the entire year with the same kids. She's made several friends. She goes places with them. She has sleepovers too. It's made all the difference for her.

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