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Starting in the middle with writing with ease

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My three older children left public school last month. I would like to start the older two (grades 2 and 4) with WWE, but I'm having trouble figuring out where to start, what I need to get started, and at what level to place the boys.




Here's what I know about their writing levels. My second grader writes at a level well above what would be considered typical for ps second grader. His spelling is great. He punctuates well. His ideas are fairly well-formed and has an innate sense of structure and pacing. He concentrates well.


My fourth grader attended first grade in Russia (he's American born but we lived there in Moscow from 2004-2008). He learned to read and write in Russian before he learned to do so in English. His spelling is dreadful.(for example he still spells they "thay" and said "sed" if he's writing for himself.). However, his word sense, pacing, structuring are very good. He's even witty. He has difficulty concentrating unless he's really into the subject.


Finally, I was wondering if you could tell me a little about your experience of using WWE has been.


Many thanks,



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Bumping you so it doesn't get lost.


This is ds's first year out of ps. I started him with WWE2, although he was a struggling reader and...13 years old. I love it. It has really taught ds to think clearly and summarize. He also really enjoys the passages.


I am thinking you would be fine with Level 1 for both. All you need is the workbook.

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Thank you, Lisa. I was wondering about the workbooks/teacher's text. Looking at the samples online I thought they were a bit reduntant, but I was only looking at small samples. What do you think you miss out on if you don't buy the teacher's text? Also, how much time do you spend a week or day with this program?


Again, thank you. I've checked a few times today so I was really happy to see your response!

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Giving you another bump. I bought the TM and looked at it when I first bought it, but haven't looked at it since. The workbooks can be stand alone, but the TM helps give some of the reasoning behind what you're doing or help you craft your own program. My older two are doing WWE3 and we do at least 3 lessons/week to get caught up. They do enjoy it. DD6 is doing WWE 1 and we follow the schedule pretty much.




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Thank you, Lisa. I was wondering about the workbooks/teacher's text. Looking at the samples online I thought they were a bit reduntant, but I was only looking at small samples. What do you think you miss out on if you don't buy the teacher's text? Also, how much time do you spend a week or day with this program?


Again, thank you. I've checked a few times today so I was really happy to see your response!


You are welcome! You only need one workbook for both kids, but I would use the copywork pages etc. for the youngest. The line spacing is likely too big for your oldest. Have him write in a separate notebook or download the workbook pages from peacehillpress.com.


When you feel your older son has a grasp on the concept of WWE and needs to move on, you can then buy WWE2.


I never bought the TE, so I cannot comment on that!


Enjoy your little ones at home!:001_smile:

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I agree with the suggestion to start with Level 1 WWE workbook. The copywork will likely help with Spelling, but do you have a Spelling program picked out for him? I'd like to suggest AVKO Sequential Spelling. It teaches spelling rules by having the student spell words by word families. The lessons are short and sweet at 15-20 minutes. My kids actually enjoy it. You can view samples of it online at their website. I will warn you the author's conversation at the very beginning of the sample was a bit annoying to me, but I love his approach to teaching Spelling and the short, enjoyable lessons.

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three blessings, I am going to look online at your suggestion later today.


I have AAS 1 and 2, which I used last summer with DS1. It helped some. I'm torn between using that a coupled with sight words and a few words a week from his writing OR the Tricks of the Trade spelling notebook approach. Thoughts?


Thank you and happy mother's day!

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