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Loving teaching dd6 to read!

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We have been working hard, and the reward of seeing her learning to read is immense!


I started with Ordinary parents Guide. Unknown to me, was that AAS was a complete phonics program when I ordered it. It sat on the shelf for a few weeks before we pulled it out, I figured we should have her reading some before starting spelling.


Then during down time, I pulled out the book and read. WELL.... I was pleasantly surprised that it was phonics based too. Or my interpretation of phonics based. So a little confused, I emailed Merry at AAS, and asked her about it, she said it was phonics and I didn't need to supplement, but many families have commented that they use OPGTR with it and it intermixes very well.


So I started doing both. I found that AAS got her doing consonant sounds way faster, but OPGTR helped her with the short-vowel sounds much better. So now we are at lesson 12 in AAS. She is reading really well now, considering we started only a couple weeks ago. And lesson 43 in OPGTR. And Merry was very right, the complement each other very well. Yesterday, in OPGTR, we covered double consonants and ck. And today, in AAS, we cover it. The other day, something was covered in AAS and a day or so later, it was in OPGTR. It is a consistent review, in different formats. I don't do as many tactile things in OPGTR, as AAS does that. And it works well during appts, or when at piano lessons for dd11. DD6 and I do OPGTR.


I love the combination! She has made amazing progress in such a short time!

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We hit a bump in the road yesterday. I typically do AAS first and then OPGTR. However yesterday, we had tears of frustration. She didn't want me to stop, but she was getting herself worked up.


We went and did a lesson in OPGTR, and it was the same topic. She worked through it with giggles. We moved on with the day. She didn't want to do AAS again. In the afternoon, I pulled it out, and started again, and with 0 effort, she got it.


SO, we have hit a point in learning, that it is no longer just putting the pieces together, but acquiring new puzzle pieces and placing them. We will move slower now, I'm sure, which is 100% fine. But we will now be starting with OPGTR. I am looking at AAS, and making sure it is covered with OPGTR first. Teaching with that, and reinforcing and practical use with AAS.


I so totally love SWB!!! DD loves everything we use by her and JW. I takes me a bit to get into it, get a rhythm, but all I need this year is some learning from dd6, she has slipped into homeschooling SO easily. I thought there would be tons of tears and I don't wanna's, but she has been SO good about everything.


I do get the 'i don't wanna do school' so I send her outside to play and do gym. She built a snow man yesterday. Other days she does Wii fit. We are learning to skip. We made a hopscotch that went to 120 she giggled and giggled as her sister made it and jumped like little wild things for nearly any hour. Then she is ready to do school.

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