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How to get sulfur smell out of a hairbrush?

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I bought a conditioner that had sulfur as an ingredient at the recommendation of a beauty store clerk. Used it on dd, it stank to the high heavens, and I had to re-wash her hair later.


I can't get the stinky sulfur smell out of her natural bristle hairbrush. I soaked it in shampoo last night, but that just made the smell worse. It's a new, good quality, hard-to-find hairbrush, so I'd like to salvage it if I can.

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Maybe you could call and ask the hairdresser who recommended it?



I should call her, since she recommended the stinky stuff. I don't understand it. The stuff was flying off the shelf at Sally's, and I bought the last tube.


How are people using this stuff? I had to make my dd sit IN THE VESTIBULE at church on Sunday, because she wouldn't stay home. (I didn't have the heart to insist she skip service, after she laid the WWJD line on me.)

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