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Sonlight Science or Elemental Science

Honey Bee

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I'd like to spend 1 or 2 days a week next year and work through a science plan reading and doing experiments. I like the looks of both and wonder if anyone has any used both. I would be using the updated Sonlight Science. Any thoughts?

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I've used both, and Elemental Science is a better fit for us. I've used Sonlight Science 1 through 3, and my kids really disliked the worksheets. The experiments usually didn't line up well with the reading, and the reading (and content) jumped all over the place. With that said, we enjoyed Sonlight science and my kids learned a lot. We just found it a little dry.


The most recent version of Sonlight science that I have is SL 3 from last year, so I don't know if the newer version is more cohesive than the older ones. My versions of SL 1 and 2 are from several years ago.


I like the layout of Elemental Science much better. I've only been using the chemistry program for a few weeks, but it seems as if more thought has been put into planning the reading and scheduling the experiments than was the case with SL. Originally, I bought it to use next year, but my DS saw the student workbook and books and begged to start doing it.

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Thanks for the info. I do believe the newer version is a little more cohesive, from what I've gathered. The experiments in the younger years still don't match up to weekly topics if I've judged it right.


I looked extensively last night at Elemental Science. I really like what I see. I wish it had a "kit" though. If I go with it, I'll just have to get that together during the summer. I like the notebook pages better than the worksheets sonlight has, I'm thinking they will retain more with the notebook pages. It also lines up better with classical method of writing, like narration vs. answer the question or circle the right answer. Both could be fun though.


Picking science has been hard for me for a couple of reasons. First, I have to span a few grades, K-2 for next year. That's not so bad.


Second, I want a good balance between facts and "science fiction." For example, the book "Cactus Hotel" is the story of a catus in the dessert. My kids learned so much and love that book. I haven't looked to much at the Burgess Books, but they might be something we can add-in. We have also been reading James Herroit's Story Book (I don't think I spelled that right, sorry), and it is well loved. It would be cool to have something like TOG for Science! That would rock! Ok, back to reality.


Third, I want something that will take about 2 days per week.


Fourth, would include nature study, including observations, nature journal/note-booking.


Fifth, include experiments.


Well, isn't that fine. Just ask for the moon, huh? :D

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That sounds just like the one that my friend started writing.


Elemental Science is very do-able. The things needed for the experiments are easy to obtain if you don't already have them. (BTW, I have had SSBB for over a year and didn't start it because of the list of things needed for experiments.)


I have been trying to decide on SL science also. I want to do PreK and K with DS and I love the looks of 5 and 6. I am not so sure about 3 and 4. 1 and 2 look to be about the same as they were before the overhaul and I don't like the Usborne books as the source of experiments. (We tried 1 and it didn't go well.)

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Hi Melissa!!


We tried Sonlight Science 1 this year. The books are good (my kids always do well with Usborne type books - lots of pictures and interesting text) and the children love the DVD (that was an extra we decided to purchase). I think the worksheets are lame though . . . really lame and to be honest that is why we hardly ever do science. It just drives me nuts. As I'm typing I may just use the guide to write out a reading schedule to finish out the year. Less guilt that way!:D


Anyhoo, I like the looks of Elemental Science as well. That is a top pick for me for this next year. I purchased Living Books Curriculum's first and second grade teaching guides used (for dirt! :) ). They have wonderful, amazing ideas for nature study/journaling and science. That is also a top pick for me as I like how they've organized it by term. Actually, I like their entire program!


I have also thought about unschooling science OR utilizing a delight/interest directed method for a year or two while they're all so little. Perhaps I will choose books of interest and occasionally do a science kit. Timberdoodle has some whiz bang fun kits! We just did one and the kids loved it. It was the most fun we've had all year :D. Currently, in lieu of the Sonlight science (I am so so so bad! What a waste!) we are doing a mini unit on tadpoles/frogs. Checked out books from the library, prepared lap books for them (our first go round with free printables off the web), and a bowl of tadpoles from the grandparents' pond. They are INTO it and that is why I'm thinking about utilizing this method this next year rather than something "planned". That way science can take a back seat if the skill subjects need more teaching time (and they ALWAYS do).


I honestly think my boys have learned more by listening to cds about science topics and reading lots of books about science topics. They are just soaking in that information and that is really my goal in these early years!

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We're wrapping up a fun year of notebooking with Chemistry guidance from Elemental Science. It is laid out for 5 days a week, but honestly, sometimes I invest 5 to maybe 10 minutes on the definition days and at the most 15 minutes in prep and experiment observations. My kids are huge on "short attention span theatre" and can barely handle sitting that long at the end of 2nd and 3rd grades. But it is worth following the plan in order for science not to get dropped each day at our house. Check out the blog listed below for science or chemistry entries.

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We used Sonlight Science 2 this year and while I love the kit, it is a little dry. The experiments don't really match up to the reading, and the TM is really bulky. We went with Elemental Science (Earth Science) for 3rd grade next year and I really like the look of it. It's a nice change for us.

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We used SL 1 this year and are switching to Elemental Science next year. SL's experiments don't line up AT ALL with what you're learning. All fall we learned about magnetics while studying about animals. I really enjoyed what we learned, though. I'm switching to Elemental Science b/c it's secular...and it looks VERY similar to me to the way SL was laid out...which was a PERFECT fit for our family.

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Hi, friends!


Thanks all for the great information. I made a Pros/cons list for both and included some of the info you gave me. My decision is to pass on Sonlight. I really don't like that the experiments don't match up well to the reading (isn't that the point?), also the worksheets are a bummer. I would really prefer notebooking.


Also I looked read ahead in the Logic and Rhetoric Science sections in the WTM. WOW, I was surprised by the suggestions, not really textbooky at all. I think that sounds good. I couldn't help thinking of my kids as being little wild hair Einsteins and discoverers. :lol: I think Elemental Science will be a better fit for us anyway, flexible and independent as time goes on. I thank you for mentioning Easy Classical, I will go print out the samples and check out the book selections. I really like what I see and now I am comparing it to Elemental Science.


Thanks again for all your wisdom!

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Thought I'd add to this


We are unschooling science, and it's great BUT I still spend ages searching for experiments to do or some write up stuff to go with the delight led learning that's taking place. I'm just printing off Elemental Science Biology to go with what we are doing. I don't know if we will stick to it rigidly but i'm hoping it will be a great supplement/add on to our nature studies/science learning. :)

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