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Question for Nook owners (Kindle owners welcome too!)

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I've had a chance to spend some time with my sister-in-law's Kindle. I've been leaning toward a Nook, though, but just recently found out that the new browser only works with WiFi and not over the 3G network like the Kindle's. This has given me pause because s-i-l really likes that she can look up things on Wikipedia, check her email, and facebook whenever she wants to and not have to be dependent on WiFi access. Is that enough of a reason to go with a Kindle instead of a Nook?

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Well, the only time I use the internet on my Kindle is when I am actively downloading books, or syncing it if I've been reading on my iPhone. (Then again, I have no need for internet because I have an iPhone.) Other than that, my wireless is always off (to save battery life). But simply for downloading books, I would rather have 3G than WiFi because I can download/buy books wherever I am, and I don't have to have WiFi access.

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Well, the only time I use the internet on my Kindle is when I am actively downloading books, or syncing it if I've been reading on my iPhone. (Then again, I have no need for internet because I have an iPhone.) Other than that, my wireless is always off (to save battery life). But simply for downloading books, I would rather have 3G than WiFi because I can download/buy books wherever I am, and I don't have to have WiFi access.


You can buy books on the Nook with 3G, it's just the browser that's restricted to WiFi. I don't have a smart phone, so I was hoping to be able to check email/Facebook with my Nook.

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I haven't checked my e-mail with the Kindle, but 3G connection came in so very handy on our recent road trip. I was able to check a restaurant review, look at a google map to get us out of town, and then find the restaurant's phone number to call and check if my husband had left his credit card there (he had). We had a computer, but in nowhere, NM wi-fi was not available.


There was a recent announcement that the Kindle was open for people to make apps (similar to the i-phone) so I think it is only going to get easier. Browsing is not at it's best on the Kindle, but I am thankful to have it!


(Plus.. no one has mentioned the hidden things on the Kindle. I just found minesweeper!)

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I've had a chance to spend some time with my sister-in-law's Kindle. I've been leaning toward a Nook, though, but just recently found out that the new browser only works with WiFi and not over the 3G network like the Kindle's. This has given me pause because s-i-l really likes that she can look up things on Wikipedia, check her email, and facebook whenever she wants to and not have to be dependent on WiFi access. Is that enough of a reason to go with a Kindle instead of a Nook?


Yes, you do have to have WiFi to use the browser on the Nook. I am not sure if this is permanent. It would be cool to have it over 3G...but I don't see how they could offer that very long without charging some kind of data plan. The browser on the Nook actually works pretty well.

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