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I Have Been Killing Myself Cleaning This Week

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since we have a combined First Communion/Birthday Party Saturday. I gave the kids the week off school this week since we didn't take a Spring Break.


I am so tired of spring cleaning! As a reward to myself and my kids for helping me and being understanding when I haven't spent much playtime with them this week, I would like to do something new and fun.


We already have a list of things to do over the summer that include going to the pool with Grandma, the Museum of Science and Industry, etc. I'm looking for ideas that maybe we could do at home that would be cool. I don't think I'm making much sense, but maybe someone gets me and has done a stay-at-home thing that was wonderful? A theme day? My creative juices are very low, can you tell?

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I've been spring cleaning, too, so I feel your exhaustion!


Maybe you can have a board games day. Each kid could choose a couple of board games and you all play them together.


You could have a baking day where the kids decide what to make, and maybe you could even "sell" the goods later to dad, grandma, etc.


How about a spring planting day? You could decorate flower pots and plant stuff in them.


I hope you aren't too pooped from all the hard work!

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