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Pearables books...any reviews?

Sue G in PA

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I bought the Pearables Home Ec. series and ended up reselling it. It was more basic than we needed. I had already taught my daughter many of the things in the curriculum, but for someone who is just beginning to teach these things it might be just fine.

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I have used the personal help for boys and personal help for girls. My kids have really gotten a lot out of them. They are thorough on attitudes and behaviors that are Godly. These are things I want my kids to know but I am not sure I am effective at communicating to them. Good stuff.


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Thanks Stacey. We have a lot of bad attitudes running rampant in our house right now and despite my best efforts to correct them...well...they persist. :glare: I think I need some help in this area and God led me to Pearables last night. Looked good, but I wanted some reviews. Thank you!

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I agree. We have used some of the first Boys book (until I, um, lost it - but now I found it again and want to get going on it).


It is full of things I want to teach my sons, but feel I just do not communicate well. He has really taken to listening to what the book says, though. We really like it.


I'm actually sort of wishing that I could do the Home Ec. with HIM as well, because there are some cooking things I'd like him to be able to do that I'm not sure how to teach either.



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We have really enjoyed the Pearable stories. All my children really enjoy them. Volumes 2 and 3 have a Bible study after each story, but volume 1 did not, at least in my edition, they may have changed that. Some of them I find rabbit trail a bit into their own beliefs, not just what the Bible says, but that is easy enough for us to discuss. I have not used their other products yet, but would not hesitate to if they are as good as the Pearable stories.

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