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How religious are Queen's Language Lessons?


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It is fairly saturated with religious material. Some of the sentences for marking (subj/verb type exercises) are things about pastors and missionaries. I do not find it "heavy handed" like Abeka or BJU, but it is certainly a central theme of the book. It is more sweet then heavy if that makes any sense at all. I don't get the feeling that the company is trying to convert me or "push" their view as I did with the other 2 curriculum houses.


Now, having said that, I do not think any of the picture studies are religious in nature. Many of the poems are. Many of the copywork lessons are. But, I cannot recall a single picture study being religious in nature. Not all the lessons are either. Have you looked at the samples? I wouldnt discount LL right off the bat. I guess it depends on what you are comfortable with.

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I purchased Queen's Language Lessons, I think it was #2, a while back. The religious content is definitely there, but sporadic. There could be several pages with nothing and then, bam!, a poem to be copied over a week with a religious theme.


I was planning to use this as a supplement, so I just cut out the pages I preferred not to use. There is absolutely enough content there that is not religious in nature to make the book useful--at least 2/3, if not 3/4.


Incidentally, I remember seeing that someone has reproduced the Emma Serl's series in a workbook format. That would be an excellent secular alternative to Queen's.


Yea, I found it!: http://www.livingbookscurriculum.com/product/368.html



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I purchased Queen's Language Lessons, I think it was #2, a while back. The religious content is definitely there, but sporadic. There could be several pages with nothing and then, bam!, a poem to be copied over a week with a religious theme.


I was planning to use this as a supplement, so I just cut out the pages I preferred not to use. There is absolutely enough content there that is not religious in nature to make the book useful--at least 2/3, if not 3/4.


Incidentally, I remember seeing that someone has reproduced the Emma Serl's series in a workbook format. That would be an excellent secular alternative to Queen's.


Yea, I found it!: http://www.livingbookscurriculum.com/product/368.html




The LBC ones are on my maybe to be pruchased list - I just liked the full color in Queen's!

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I'm not sure if the LBC ones are in color or not. Yes, Queen's are in color, but really only a very few pages (the pictures for picture study). I agree it is nice to have those in color, but it is a trade-off: have maybe 10 or 15 pages in the whole book with a color photo, but tear out at least that many due to religious content.


I would look seriously at the LBC books. I have the originally hard cover Serl books, and while a write-in format would have been nice, they worked very well for my ds, even without color! If you like the LBC books in every way other than the color (if they are indeed B&W, I'm not sure), you can always look up the pictures used online to find a color image to view. You could even have your dc study the B&W version, and then compare it to the color version, how his feelings and impressions were different, the effect of the color choices on the mood and impact of the picture, if the colors used were the ones he had imagined, etc.


Just an idea! I guess my point is, don't discount LBC just for lack of color, and don't put up with losing content for religious reasons in Queen's just to get the pictures in color.



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