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WWE: question about placement


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I am thinking of starting my rising 4th grader on WWE. We have been doing BJU English for the past two years. He does well with that and we will continue, but I feel like we need to supplement with something else to improve his writing skills (his are kind of weak). So, do you think that WWE would be a good fit for this? If so, what level would you start him at? If you don't think WWE is a good fit, what would you suggest?


Secondly, my dd2 will be in 1st grade next year and will be using Phonics Road to Reading and Spelling. Would WWE be good for her for writing or is there writing already included in PR?

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I would download some of the samples and see what he can handle. This is our first year homeschooling and I started my girls at level 2 & 3. Both were challenged quite a bit in the beginning; in fact, there was enough frustration to bring tears on several occasions. We made it through, but I think the frustration could have been avoided if I hadn't been so stubborn to start them where I wanted them to be, instead of where they really were.

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