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Help me decide...continue with R&S or switch to CLE for LA

Magic Wand

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We're using CLE for math and are very pleased. I'm interested in using CLE for LA as well, but have one hesitation. I'm concerned that the explanations aren't as thorough as those found in R&S. I know dd would love the workbook approach, but I'm undecided about switching from R&S to CLE for LA in 8th grade.


Can you set my fears to rest or should I finish out elementary/jr. high with R&S? After all, we've come this far with R&S. DD simply prefers the workbook format, but would go either way. I love the R&S teacher manuals.


FWIW I would still be using a separate spelling program as dd needs more spelling work.



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The R&S English TM is the BEST! But it's not needed w/ CLE because all the instruction is in the CLE LU for the student to read themselves and do the work. That said, I still teach my ds CLE LA by reviewing our grammar flash cards (did this w/R&S although they don't suggest f.cards) and reviewing things I KNOW my ds needs.


I suggest you print out ALL the sample pages for grade 8 that make sense (you can do them without the whole lesson) and have your dc do them and see if s/he likes it. Then call CLE and ask them to send you a free CLE LA lightunit (801 will be review) and do one before you decide.


R&S E. does have poetry and figurative language; CLE LA doesn't because it's in CLE reading.



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My vote would be to continue with R&S. IMHO, having to write on actual paper, not filling in blanks in a workbook, is important for good written English skills.


FWIW, Spelling by Sound and Structure is a very good spelling series. :-)

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It seems it would likely suit us best to continue with R&S; somehow it also seems to be *completing* the elementary years for us.


I didn't realize CLE would send a free sample. I will ask for one when I order the girls reading for next year; that is an excellent suggestion.


Ellie, we are planning to use R&S Spelling Grade 7 next year. This is where vocabulary kicks in and from the samples it seems this will fit the bill for spelling and vocabulary for both girls.


Most helpful ladies, thank you.

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