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Omnibus - Is there any reason I couldn't use the first three books for high school

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rather than middle school, and spread them out over four years? I am seriously looking into this program for my now-5th grade dd, but I don't want to start them in 7th grade. I think they would work better for our family when dd is a bit older, and I don't feel compelled to do six guides rather than three. Has anyone done this? I have not used VP materials before though I have looked at them, and I have been looking at Omnibus samples online. I'd love to hear anyone's experience with this program, and please feel free to direct me to previous threads.


Thank you!

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I used Omnibus I thru III with my eldest dd for 9th thru 11th grades together with her younger sister 7th thru 9th -- the later books weren't available and elder dd really wanted to study great books and I really wanted something that held my hand. The materials were absolutely fine for high school study. It was especially interesting reading some of the books that may be thought of as appropriate for a younger age student -- some of the secondary books in Omnibus I. Those books offered valuable, accessible insights into the tougher material in the primary readings.


That being said, I don't think I'd use Omnibus I with a student much beyond 9th grade.




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Thank you, ladies, so much for these insights. I need some hand-holding in the Great Books area, and I decided not to do them with my oldest dd, mostly out of fear. I want to do it with my middle dd, and she is more desirous of it anyway. Omnibus looks so good, but I was thinking of starting either in 8th or 9 grade, partly because we just studied ancient history recently. Either that or starting with Omni II and doing them out of order.


Anyway, thank you!

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