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Best Field Guides / POINTS for finding __???

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Hi all,


Once again, we're plunging into the identification process of nature, it being warmer weather and all... I wanted them to have fun going on walks- have something to look for.


We currently have pretty good insect and bird guides, now I'm just looking for trees, wildflowers, and I guess other plants??


I just bought the Peterson First Guides for Wildflowers and Trees, but I know these are just for the most commonly found things- very basic guides.


I'm wanting guides that are more complete, but of course easy to use.




The second question, is if anyone knows of a book or even a chart, or site that we can use for finding certain things. I know bird watchers have point systems for spotting birds- more points for the less common ones...


Curious if there is anything like that for other things- such as trees, flowers, etc. Also, I'm not sure even HOW to find a points system for the birds!


Thanks so much!


Pam B

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To get more specific information, I would look for field guides for either your state or the area (so Illinois or Midwest). I have some for Indiana, Kentucky and the Midwest so I know they make these type of books.


We use Peterson guide for birds the most of all field guides.

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That looks interesting. Is it easy to use?

I've found it very easy to use, and my kids can use it without difficulty. It's very straightforward and includes all the trees you'd normally find on a hike. I don't think it includes ornamental type trees. It's small and easy to take with you, and it's cheap. I found one at half price books for $2.


It doesn't have any information about the trees though, it's strictly for identification.

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