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cursive and older children


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Any recommendation? Thanks!


My soon to be 6th grader is going to try SmithHand.


Her cursive is pretty good now, I think she's excited about making it look a little more sophisticated. Eventually she wants to try Spencerian, which isn't practical for everyday writing (I think it's more of an art form).



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Can-Do Cursive by HWoT is aimed at grades 5+ and has the added benefit of a little vocabulary and grammar study in it too!



My 11yo daughter did HWOT for a few years - I switched them both to Italic last year, and she hated it (my younger has no issues w/it). She still needs handwriting practice, so we got this one. It's a much better fit!

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Hi Jean,

I am teaching my 5th grader cursive -- I started trying when he was in 2nd, and every year we quit pretty soon after starting, I just knew he wasn't ready. I chose Cursive First b/c of the font style. It's simple, no-frills, and I especially liked the way all the lower case letters start from the baseline so they will know how to connect the letters. He is finally getting somewhere this year with his cursive:hurray:!


For daily practice I got a bound composition notebook with a dotted midline, and each day I write on a single page what I want him to work on for that day, it's mostly copying at this point, and his signature. We started out with the SWR phonograms and small words, but I've begun capitals now, and he's writing whole sentences, too. In doing it this way, I have the added benefit of having him work on what I decide he needs to work on, not what the book says. I can choose spelling words, vocab words, subject matter words or phrases or sentences, whatever I think we need to do. This only takes me a few minutes to prepare, so it's certainly not time intensive. I'm thrilled that we are finally making some progress.

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Hi Jean,

I am teaching my 5th grader cursive -- I started trying when he was in 2nd, and every year we quit pretty soon after starting, I just knew he wasn't ready. I chose Cursive First b/c of the font style. It's simple, no-frills, and I especially liked the way all the lower case letters start from the baseline so they will know how to connect the letters. He is finally getting somewhere this year with his cursive:hurray:!


For daily practice I got a bound composition notebook with a dotted midline, and each day I write on a single page what I want him to work on for that day, it's mostly copying at this point, and his signature. We started out with the SWR phonograms and small words, but I've begun capitals now, and he's writing whole sentences, too. In doing it this way, I have the added benefit of having him work on what I decide he needs to work on, not what the book says. I can choose spelling words, vocab words, subject matter words or phrases or sentences, whatever I think we need to do. This only takes me a few minutes to prepare, so it's certainly not time intensive. I'm thrilled that we are finally making some progress.


We use SWR and I have cursive first so I might give this a try. Thanks!

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