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Looking for reviews on HODs Preparing Hearts for His Glory

Sue G in PA

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Reviews on her website are obviously are not very objective. I really do like the look of this program and the concept of a one year overview of World History for my ds9. My choices for next year for History have been narrowed down to MFW CtG, HOD Preparing or MOH (which we have used before and liked). I realize that MOH is just History while the other 2 choices are more than that...and I do like that. But, it isn't really a deciding factor for me b/c I have a science to use, LA, math, Bible, etc. Just wondering if anyone has used Preparing and what you think. Thanks!

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Just wondering if anyone has used Preparing and what you think. Thanks!


We're using Preparing with the Extensions with our 5th grader. I also have a 2nd grader that tags along with Preparing.


We love it. We love the books and there is, for us, just the right amount of reading, projects and writing assignments.

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and 2nd grader and am loving it. I agree it is hard to find somewhere to get some objective feedback. We are planning on using MFW ECC next year and CTC the following. This is my loose plan. If you have any more specific questions about Preparing feel free to email me. This has been a great year!



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Sue, if you have any specific questions, let me know. I'm not sure what to share with you. I like everything that is written into the guide, but especially the history and the language arts. The creative writing assignments that go along with the poetry are especially good.

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My 5th grader uses the science as written. He reads the books by himself and completes his own assignments. We discuss his work but he's independent with it. I read the books to my 2nd grader. Sometimes, my oldest son will read to him and sometimes he will read a few pages for himself. For the most part, he doesn't do the science assignments. We just read and he orally narrates. There have been a few science activities that he got interested in and wanted to do but I don't require that of him.


The science is very, very good. My oldest son is quite advanced in science and had already covered much of the material but he needed practice with the science lab sheets and writing out answers to questions. He likes how there is sometimes copywork to go along with the science.

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I am enjoying Preparing and so is my daughter. We are on break right now (move) and she is looking forward to going back to it. IMO the science is on the easy side but it's ment for independent so it's a perfect fit for her to do on her own and she's remembering what she's learning. I do add extra science because I personally enjoy science. We don't use her Bible study (have our own). I like the history part of the program and how there is some writing assignments. I have the younger guides too but so far Bigger/Preparing have been my favorite guides and my daughter's favorite. I am using CTC next year along with Real Science 4 Kids.

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