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TOG writing and writing aids questions


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I have unit one of TOG in front of me and am trying to make sense of it. I think I have figured most of it out, but the writing assignments leave me with questions. I also have the writing aids book with me.


It appears that the only time the writing assignments are addressed each week is in the red tabbed portion. Am I right? So, let's say my son is doing level 4 and the assignment block says to practice dictation. Where do I get the dictation exercises? Or, do I make them up on my own?


I see that most of the assignments are explained further in Writing Aids, but I don't see all suggested assignments in Writing Aids. Or, am I just not looking good enough?


Could someone outline for me a typical week in your home using writing aids? How do you go about teaching the writing assignments? Do you find it easy to implement? I just need some hand holding here. Thanks!

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I don't use the writing portion of TOG right now, but I do know that they expect you to find your own dictation.


Most of the other assignments are explained somewhere in the Writing Aids manual. Maybe you are looking under the wrong heading. It would be helpful if they made that more clear.

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Basically you read the assignment in the red pages and look in the WAids book for helps to the student and/or mom.


If you have DE those documents are placed on the week's page so you don't have to look them up. I've found a few I would have missed otherwise. It isn't the easiest thing to figure out. Hang in and ask lots of ?s.

The TOG forums are the best place for such a specific TOG ? only because there are TOG personnel visiting there.

Marcia also sells a writing talk that was helpful to me when I first began using WA.

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Basically you read the assignment in the red pages and look in the WAids book for helps to the student and/or mom.


If you have DE those documents are placed on the week's page so you don't have to look them up. I've found a few I would have missed otherwise. It isn't the easiest thing to figure out. Hang in and ask lots of ?s.

The TOG forums are the best place for such a specific TOG ? only because there are TOG personnel visiting there.

Marcia also sells a writing talk that was helpful to me when I first began using WA.


Thank you!

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