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If you do SOTW out of order (for use in another curriculum), is it hard to follow?


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I see that TOG schedules SOTW, and I really want to use SOTW with my littler guy, but since they do the chapters out of order, I'm not sure if it will be annoying or hard to follow that way.


I think there are other curricula that schedule SOTW out of order too, and if you've tried this, how was it? BTW, this would be for SOTW 1, if it makes a difference. Thanks!

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I'm currently using SOTW with Biblioplan year 2. It has not been a problem to read out of order. Occasionally the introductory paragraph to a segment will reference something we haven't read yet. Usually it says something like, "Do you remember ... ?" then ties it in to the current topic. I skip those few sentences, and just move on into the topic.





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I'm currently using SOTW with Biblioplan year 2. It has not been a problem to read out of order. Occasionally the introductory paragraph to a segment will reference something we haven't read yet. Usually it says something like, "Do you remember ... ?" then ties it in to the current topic. I skip those few sentences, and just move on into the topic.






:iagree: This is also what I do. We've done History Odyssey Ancients this year (trying to mesh level 1 and 2. Finally chucked level 1 and I just matched up the SOTW chapters with the HO lessons so youngers and olders could be on the same time period). It works.


Although, next year I'm going to wing it and try to use SOTW and k-12's the Human Odyssey as my spines and follow the WTM recs for history. We'll see how that goes....

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As a matter of personal preference, it REALLY annoys me. But it is understandable and I don't think it bothered my kids that much the year we used Biblioplan or the 3 weeks we did a TOG free trial. I just think it takes away the narrative flow of SOTW. But like I said, it's a personal preference. Most of my friends who use TOG think I'm weird for letting it bug me.

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It has never bothered us, but then I specifically chose Biblioplan because I prefer their order for studying ancients. I want to study Egypt once for several weeks and be immersed in that culture, then move on to the Nation of Israel for several weeks and be immersed in that culture, then move on to Greeks and...well you probably get the point. SOTW will hop from one culture to another at a specific time, then revisit those cultures later at another time. If you are letting Biblioplan or another program drive your schedule, it really doesn't matter that you are hopping around in SOTW which is just one of many resources. Your world will make sense because it all fits the theme of the program you are following.

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