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Chemistry for 10yo and 13yo boys


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The boys got to look at kits at the learning store this past week. They are really interested in Chemistry, crystals, and energy! So, I want to plan around their interests this upcoming year.


We tried RS4K Biology this year. It seemed fine at first. I liked that it was just 10 chapters so we were not stuck on one science subject for the entire year. My kids like Science but they hate trying to stretch that subject out an entire year. They need time to explore nature when it's nice out. We do a lot of nature study style science normally. The experiments weren't any good. They didn't turn out well or they didn't make sense or they just weren't any fun.


Any suggestions? I'll include what I have in my cart so far. Are these good kits? Some of it may just be for our youngest boy.


Our VA pays for all our supplies, so we can't purchase Christian materials. I do have Apologia general science and I was thinking of doing some things out of that book for some subjects. I haven't really looked through it yet. It was given to me for free. I have some elementary Apologia books, as well. We haven't covered the Botany one yet and I might hold onto that for Spring.


I prefer to order stuff through Homes School Science Tools because the VA will do it for us and just ship to our house. Here is what I've got on my cart so far


RM-GEODSET Medium Crack-Open Geodes, Box of 10

1 $15.95

BK-ELEMENT The Elements Book

1 $27.95

KT-CHEM1K Chem C1000 Kit

1 $79.95

CM-ELECARD Elements Photographic Card Deck

1 $34.95

CE-SLIMKIT Slime Science Kit

1 $9.95

KT-MSBSLIM Slime, Gel & Goop Science Kit

1 $19.95

KT-CRYTREE Crystal Tree Kit

1 $3.25

KT-FIZFOAM Fizzy Foamy Science

1 $19.95

KT-CHEM500 Chem C500 Kit

1 $31.95

KT-GSENBAT Enviro-Battery Kit

1 $11.95

AS-TELEKIT Telescope Kit

1 $12.95

RM-CRYSTAL Crystal Growing Experiment Kit

1 $10.95

KT-POWERHS Power House Kit

1 $139.95

KT-GLOGERM Glo Germ Gel Kit

1 $32.95

KT-MSBRAIN Mysteries of Rainbows Kit

1 $19.95

KT-MSBGERM World of Germs Kit

1 $19.95

CM-PELEM36 Elements Poster

1 $12.95

KT-STEPSCI Stepping into Science Kit (This would be for my Grade 2 who will be doing Oak Meadow 2)

1 $32.95

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