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How long do FLL 3 and 4 take?


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I'm sorry...I wasn't clear...don't you know you're supposed to read my mind? LOL!


I meant how long PER DAY.


Also, by "teacher intensive" I mean that I MUST be actively involved in every lesson. I can't just tell a child "do your grammar" like I do now.;)


Sorry! I think I was thinking about too many things at once when I posted.:lol:

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It is *somewhat* teacher intensive in that the student can't do the lesson by themselves but it is also scripted and super easy. We do two or three lessons a week, each takes about 10-15 minutes and I'm happy with the progress. My oldest son has learned to really like diagramming sentences (and I've actually learned how!) from FLL 4. It's a great program for us.

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Dd finished FLL-3 and is now using FLL-4.


In FLL-3, most lessons took ~15 min. A few of the longer lessons might have been 25-30 min., but were easily split up over two days; this was just a handful of lessons. I sit with dd for the entire lesson, and once we're done, she has no homework or assignments or independent work.


It seems that the FLL-4 lessons might take ~15-20 min. each, on average.


IMO, it's time well spent. I don't have to grade/check any of her work later, as I check during our time together (I really, really dislike grading/checking papers). And I believe the retention is better when I can work with my student one-on-one, esp. since students are required to memorized grammar definitions, lists of verbs & prepositions, etc.



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The parent does have to sit with the kid to direct the lesson, and there is no way to just hand them the workbook and say, "Do the next lesson." However the lessons are short and direct, without fluffy busywork added. :) I don't remember spending more than 20 minutes, ever, unless there was a bonus craft involved.


How long per year depends on how many lessons you do per week. It's set up for about 3 lessons a week. If you change that to 5 you'll be through it much faster.

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Guest Canuckmom

I used FLL level 4 for both my 4th and 5th graders. It took about 20 minutes 3 times a week. It is not teacher intensive but it is very teacher dependent! The children must have you read the lesson and direct them during that time. I am extremely pleased with the amount that they have learned and retained with this course. I would do it again if there was another level.

Because level 4 is rated for grades 4-6 (and some would say even most 8th graders don't know these basics) you might consider putting your three oldest through level 4 at the same time to save your sanity. The little ones pick up lots of the info second hand because there is much memorization to rhymes and activities. (My youngest thinks that jumping jacks can only be done while chanting the list of the being verbs!)

Excellent program but teacher-dependent.

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Because level 4 is rated for grades 4-6 (and some would say even most 8th graders don't know these basics) you might consider putting your three oldest through level 4 at the same time to save your sanity. The little ones pick up lots of the info second hand because there is much memorization to rhymes and activities. (My youngest thinks that jumping jacks can only be done while chanting the list of the being verbs!)

Excellent program but teacher-dependent.


WHOA! Really? I assumed that FLL 4 was pretty much 4th grade, period, so I was thinking my older 3 would do something else (I'm leanind toward CLE) while my younger batch started moving on up through FLL.


Is there a placement test or anything for FLL? How might I tell where to place a child within it? They are using R&S this year, but it's only going so-so. I'm not real impressed with long-term retention.:glare:

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