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Civil Air Patrol?

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I'm usually just a lurker, but I had to comment on this one. I was in Civil Air Patrol for 4 years when I was a kid and absolutely loved it. I learned so much about leadership, discipline, flying, search and rescue, first aid, etc. I was in a pretty large squadron, and there were lots of great adults that worked with cadets. That does vary from one squadron to another as one person stated above, so do some checking. With the right people in charge it can be a very rewarding and self-esteem building experience too. Hope this helps :001_smile:

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As far as we're concerned, it is a great thing! Our ds14 has been in his squadron for 1 1/2 yrs. and really likes it. He is the type of person who likes the order/structure/discipline they have.


They have lots of opportunities to go on short flights in a small plane, take CPR and first aid courses, do search and rescue practice, provide color guard for various events, etc.


I would highly recommend it.



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A few of my children are quite involved with CAP. CAP teaches them leadership, independence, PE, aerospace education, flight training, emergency service training, CPR/frist aid, study skills as well as other things. Two of my children are in the color guard and are in the midst of competion at this time.


CAP has been a positive experience for our family.

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Anybody have childen involved? If so, how has it benefitted your child and would you recommend it to others? Thanks


My kids aren't involved, but my grandfather has been in CAP for many, many years. I've met some of the kids involved in CAP and they were such level-headed, mature, responsible children. I was quite impressed!

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