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Your Classical Liberal Arts Academy schedule.


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Hi, Misty: We are doing Grammar I (Latin) through CLAA -- all three kids - but that is the only course we are taking from them.


While I love the course, and the kids are truly learning - and we've had false starts with other Latin curric - we have kept our lives running the way we see fit as opposed to the schedule CLAA seems to promote. In fact, except for logging in to do the work and take the quizzes and exams, I don't read anything else on the site. Just not enough hours in the day.


The kids and I start school between 8am and 9am -- usually go non stop till 11:30 or 12:00, then take a break - depends on the weather if it is a short or long break. If it's a long break, we will do more school at about 4pm till 5:30. If the weather is icky, we will take a short lunch break and then keep working till 3:30 or so -- at that point, we are finished.


We did try doing Liturgy of the Hours, and we liked it, but truly, we pray together as a family with DH in the evening and while alot of CLAA's ideas are nice, we haven't felt compelled to toss out what we are doing and institute those ideas instead.


I hope this helps --FWIW, I think the CLAA course content is excellent.

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How much time per day, how many days per week, does each child spend on Latin?


We do it as a group -- we print out the lesson, work from the printed pages - betw. 30-45 min a day - 4 days a week. That's how it has been going. It is one of the few subject areas we do that we do as a group - twins are in 3rd grade, dd is in 5th. There is no homework -- just study and preparation for the quizzes and examination.

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We've had to readjust our schedule a couple of times as the CLAA has grown and changed. Now that the CLAA classes update immediately after the student passes an exam (rather than the day or two gap when they were updated manually) we have changed our schedule again.


We do CLAA classes from 7am to 1pm, five days per week with a ten minute break around 11am. We always begin with the three core courses - grammar, arithmetic and catechism. Then the kids do the enrichment classes as time allows.


DD 12 spends on average:


grammar - 10+ hours per week

arithmetic - 8+ hours per week

catechism - 3 hours per week

geography - 2 or 3 hours per week

chronology - 2 or 3 hours per week

vocabulary - she is not getting to this class at all at this time

systematic review of subjects - 2 or 3 hours per week



In September when we begin a new term, we will do CLAA classes five days per week from 6am to 1pm with the same break around 11am.

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My dd12 is doing:


Catechism daily for 30-45 min

Grammar I daily for 1,5-2h

Arithmetic daily for 1h

Scripture Catechism 2x weekly for 30-45 min

Geography 3x weekly for 45 min-1h

Vocabulary (Latin and Greek and derivatives) 2x weekly for 1h


She also does Singapore Math 6B about 3x a week for 30-45 min


We have started only with Grammar I and Vocabulary in August and added Catechism in November and the rest of the courses in Feb.


My dd never had Latin before, so the beginnings were hard. It took about four months to get to the rhythm of studying. She is enjoying it now tremendously and studying in her free time!!! Actually, quite often lately I have to tell her to stop at the evenings and "do something else".


As for studying in the evenings - if you read this article on "How to create a schedule" and this one on "The formation of good habits" you will have a better picture of why and how.


Hope it helps.

Edited by iwka
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