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Why teach Latin?

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That's two different questions really. Many people teach Latin, not so many have an LCC. I'll let someone else tackle that part, or you could go


There are a lot of benefits to Latin, but people focus on different things. Here is a summary of why we should study Latin from Memoria Press. And here's Dorothy Sayers on the subject (I prefer her reasons to MP's). I went through MP's entire article archive before deciding to try Latin, and then I was hooked once we did try it. Like most Americans with PS educations, the idea of studying Latin was entirely foreign to me!


Short list of reasons to study Latin--pick your favorite:


Latin is the root of many modern languages and makes studying them much easier

Has a lot of grammar--good for learning other languages and English too

Very structured--teaches careful thinking and logic

Most of the difficult words in English are Latin-based, so great for vocab. and SATs

Major language of Western civilization--history and religion in a package

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