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WTM History- Logic stage - HELP!

Pam B

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Alright- I'm really hoping someone will tell me what to do here! :001_smile:


I recently decided to go back through WTM to se if things would work for us this next year to use it. I have an older copy... I do hear he newer one is way better??


Anyhow, I just can't get past the history "topic" thing. So, my understanding is to read a section or so in the Kingfisher Hstory Encyclopedia, do an outline then choose a few topic to read about from the KHE. Now, *IF* that is correct- doesn't that mean they would need to choose the topics earlier to have on hand (say from the library)? :confused::confused::confused:


:001_huh:I hate that I cannot get that section!!! I've gone back through and rad the grammar stage through the rhetoric stage, and no lights come on as to what I am to do!


Am I just making it more complex than need be??




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Anyhow, I just can't get past the history "topic" thing. So, my understanding is to read a section or so in the Kingfisher Hstory Encyclopedia, do an outline then choose a few topic to read about from the KHE. Now, *IF* that is correct- doesn't that mean they would need to choose the topics earlier to have on hand (say from the library)? :confused::confused::confused:


Yes, you are understanding the idea. I think the ideal would be that you would do your KF reading, do an outline, choose related topics for extra reading, and *then* go to the library to choose those extra reading books. It's training in research at the library, really. And you'd have to be committed to go to the library every week, ideally somewhere in the middle of the week. I try to do this, and I am currently trying to teach my kids how to find their own books at the library and on the library online catalog. It hardly ever works out perfectly, though, that we have related books *the same week* as the KF reading, but it's OK. The important thing is that they read the books at some point soon, and then pick something to write about. It's OK if it's not the same week as the related KF reading.


Another small hint - you might not want to outline from KF - it has been talked about a lot here, as being very difficult to outline from. Some people (incl. me) have their kids do their outlines from one of the related library books or an encyclopedia article. They will still have a rough big picture of history, even though it's not all from KF. However - there is a new idea in the newest WTM that can still make more use of KF - the child can write a "list of facts" from the KF page spread he is reading that week. Just have him pick out 6-8 of the most important/interesting facts from the spread and write them down. It's sort of a looser outline of history, as opposed to a formal outline of paragraphs/ideas.



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I agree. I would add that I use other sources to teach library research skills, so I do go ahead and research books and check them out ahead of time so that we have them on hand when we get to them. That way, we don't have wasted time during the school day and can keep moving forward on topic. I do check out a variety of books and then choose from them, or allow my child to choose for himself in some instances.

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Thank you all for clearing that up! I was just under the impression that the KHE, timeline, outline and tpoic PICKING happened on the same day.


I guess my plan for now anyway- will be to skim through the sections for that week and see what they may like. Having them choose from several I choose.



Pam B

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I do go ahead and research books and check them out ahead of time so that we have them on hand when we get to them.


skim through the sections for that week and see what they may like. Having them choose from several I choose.


I do still do this, too, and probably will continue. I just realized that I needed to get my kids started on researching at the library, too, so this was a good way to do it.

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