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Why did I agree to do this here?

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My now 12yo wanted to have a birthday party with friends. My suggestion was a park or some other venue. We discussed a few areas, but he didn't like any of them. He really, really wanted to do it at home. In a weak moment, I gave in.:001_huh:


Now I am really stressed about this. While I am thankful to have somewhere to live, this place is pretty old. We are crowded in here, even with getting rid of lots of stuff before we moved. It is very dark in here - the overhead lights in a couple of rooms don't work and the livingroom has no overhead light at all. There are places in the floor that people can't walk on (there isn't much floor left underneath.) It isn't terrible - just cluttered and small. The ceilings are only 7 feet tall, so it adds to the "cave-like" feeling. Did I mention the crowded and cluttered part? And, no, there isn't much I can do to "unclutter" it because there just isn't anywhere to put the stuff!


Oh yeah - the worst part. Something is wrong with our septic system and it backs up all the time. I have been doing laundry at the laundromat, but this morning even cleaning the bathroom, one shower, and regular bathroom trips have caused it to back up again. (It isn't a pumping issue - it was just pumped 2months ago and was overflowing again within a couple of weeks.) It will get fixed eventually, but not before this weekend.


All and all, I am really embarassed to have people here. Then I feel guilty for feeling that way. I am sure it will be okay, but today I feel pretty defeated.

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Can you get them out of the house for a while? My ds just had an at home birthday party and we did a photo scavenger hunt. They had a list of pictures to take around the neighborhood and the team that found the most pics on the list won a candy bar. We used disposable cameras, and had the pics developed during the party. They kids loved the game and took the pics home as a souvenier. My neighbor went with one team and I went with the other to supervise.


Interesting that you should mention that your house is dark. They also played flashlight tag for an hour, (outside though). I found flashlights at Walmart, ($3 for a 2 pack with batteries!). They kept the flashlights as a party gift too.


The boys just want to get together and have fun. They really don't care what your house looks like and your son is going to feel so honored.


I know it will all work out.

Edited by Ferdie
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I don't think there is a person on these boards who cannot empathize with you.

Do what you can realistically to clean and organize your home before the party but I urge you to then let that all go (I know that is easier said than done) and focus on what you can do to make it a great day for your son.

First, remember this is about celebrating the gift of him and rejoice in the fact that he obviously is proud and comfortable in the home you made because he wants to share it with his friends.

Also concentrate on making your guests comfortable due to your attitude of welcome and humility and joy that they could come and help you celebrate your son. We have all been in fancy homes and "homey" homes and if you really consider where you felt the most comfortable it is in the home of those who were glad you were there just for your company and not for what they could show off to you.

Whatever will go wrong (and I am praying nothing will) will just happen and all the worry in the world before hand will not change it.

Celebrate your son and let the rest not touch you deeply and people will go away with the memory of the love and pride you have for your family and not for the condition of your home.

Hope that helps and know I was preaching to myself and letting you listen in.:grouphug:

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