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CLE or Progeny Press/Literature guides


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I'm trying to figure out which way I want to take reading next year. My son will be in 2nd grade, but he reads at a 4th grade level. He reads often, but we really haven't done reading as a subject this year. I wanted to do a reading notebook as WTM says, but we just never get it done. We also read aloud to him every night before bed and sometimes during the day.


So, for next year, I was thinking maybe I should have him do something like CLE? Yet, part of me thinks it would be more fun if we did Progeny Press guides or another type of literature guide. I just want to make sure it gets done beyond just the actual reading - ie. knowing literary terms, comprehension, etc. I fear if I don't have a curriculum to guide *me* then I'll let it fall by the wayside again.


I guess I'm looking for thoughts about both routes. I know many of you love CLE - is that all you've used?


If you've gone the lit. guide route, what is that like for you? Do you have a particular favorite & why?


Have you tried both routes, and chosen one, or ditched them both, and why? If you've ditched them, what do you do instead?


I'm open to all information right now so I can make sure we get reading done.



Edited by jenL
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My younger dc are using The Phonics Road to Spelling & Reading. But my two older dc, dd4th & ds 6th are using both CLE & Progeny Press Guides.

CLE for grades four and up have five L.U. This frees up half the year to use something else (or nothing else;)) so I added PP. This is the first year we are trying both.

I like how CLE really is challenging. It makes dc think. PP guides have the children dig deeper with what they are reading. Currently we are using Little House and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

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I bought a bunch of Progeny Press guides when my oldest was about that age. I really did not do that much with them except discuss the questions orally. My oldest was (and still is) very anti writing.


My only experience with CLE reading is the 1st grade that my 3rd ds is doing this year. It is going well but I am switching ds to BJU reading next year only because I already own it. I think CLE is more meaty but I don't want to kill the love of reading by questioning and analyzing everything he reads. I am considering CLE for older grades.


I also had my 2nd ds (now in 4th grade) do the intermediate and advanced 2nd grade Sonlight reading. I liked it because it was actual books and there were a few comprehension questions to make sure he understood. He did these for the 2nd half of second grade and all of third grade along with BJU reading. He was slow to start reading. I also like that the reading schedule and questions can be purchased separately from the hugh IG at that level.

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