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Very cranky 13yo dd- what to do?

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My 13yo is extremely cranky. She doesn't like anything, thinks everything is stupid, and has a generally lousy attitude. I think some of it may be the horrible weather we are having. SHe definitely does have vitamin d deficiency which we are working to improve with large doses of it (supervised by a physician). She has other issues as well and I am not sure this isn't a physical problem. She used to be taller than average until she developed osteoporosis and now she is 47 percentile. She also is at 73 percentile for weight. SHe has had growth hormones checked and she was okay for that. I am wondering about things like SAD, possible thyroid issues, or just normal hormonal teen. Her older brother and sister weren't anywhere this bad. Yes they were a bit more cranky but this girl takes the cake. Any advice?

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Sounds like a normal bored teen in the middle of winter to me. I was the same way at that age. My advice would be to get her out as much as you can- take her to a movie, shopping, whatever will get her out of the house- and give her space when she needs it.


If things don't seem to improve, it couldn't hurt to take her to the doctor and have her evaluated for depression.

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