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Looking for recommendation for Grammar


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Met a mom who is taking her 11 yo child out of public school next week to homeschool her. Mom has been concerned for a while about child getting good grades but not seeming to know things Mom felt she should.....like what a noun, verb, adverb, etc is. And in math, daughter can add/sub fine but uses hash marks to multiply, etc.


Anyway....math recommendations was easy for me to make....but I am stumped as to a Grammar program that would not be so babyish as to bore (or bother) an 11 yo, but would be starting at the very beginning with sentence structure.


What sayeth the hive?? :)

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Wow! Thanks guys......sounds like R&S or Analytical Grammar get the most votes, lol. Keep 'em coming if you have other recommendations, and I'll pass it on to Mom to do a bit of research.


Appreciate the help....we did grammar piecemeal as we did other programs so I didn't really have a single program to recommend to her.

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How comfortable is the mom with grammar? JAG or AG works better ( IMHO ) with a teacher who knows what they are doing. I tried both R&S and JAG when I pulled my son out and R&S was the best by far ( but he was young - fourth grade ). I really like the TM for R&S.


Edited by Flaura
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If she isn't retaining what a noun or verb is she may need something spiral to do it. My oldest was this way and I found out the hard way. I used many master grammar programs ( R&S, Abeka, Calvert, K12) and nothing was sticking. Not until last year when I tried CLE (Christian Light ) Grammar did it finally sink in.

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I would try Gowing With Grammar. I like that it is self-teaching with the Student Manual, and Student Workbook. They have currently published 1/2 through 7th grade and are planning 8th grade. She could start with 5th or 6th, and continue through the 8th when published and that would give several years of grammar practice. It is somewhat mastery approach with enough review at the end of each chapter.:001_smile:



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