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Help deciding 4th grade math (and big picture) - especially users of Saxon or Abeka


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Hello - I haven't posted here in months but everyone on this board has always been so helpful and generous with their advice that I thought I would throw this one out to you.


My son has used Abeka for k-3rd grade (currently doing 3rd grade now). He has done very well in math with Abeka and has had no problems keeping up or using the program. However, now that he is getting older I am looking for more of the big picture with math and what program we should using going into the future. In talking with people it seems that some who have started with Abeka switch to Saxon at this point and use the 5/4 book. There reasons have varied but an overall theme was the continued use of Saxon through High School. I am usually not one to quickly change curriculums but seeing that math is not something I am good at I have a hard time even sitting down to compare programs because I am not even sure what I am looking for.


Does anyone have an big picure advice for me on this? Also, I would love to hear from anyone who was in a similar situations with these programs and what you chose and why? Any reviews, advice, and/or suggestions would help?


Thank you in advance for your time in responding!

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Math in K-12 is divided into 2 parts, arithmetic and higher math. A child needs a solid background in arithmetic before beginning higher math. However, the order in which arithmetic in taught isn't a big issue when starting Algebra. Many programs change as they switch gears from arithmetic to higher math. It's also a natural switching point. So, I suggest that you stick with Abeka Math since your son is thriving with the program. Once you're finished with arithmetic you can look around and see what higher math program will suit your needs best at that time. :)

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It looks like the one skill one would want to focus on in arithmetic before hitting algebra is fractions. Be able to add them, divide them, and do word problems with them in your sleep. The skill that seems to help most with fractions that is acquired 2,3,4th grade for operations on fractions is the to have multiplication and division down cold. To know what a common multiple is, to know what a common factor is, etc, be able to compare them (greater than, less than), order them, be able to find the missing denominator or numerator in equivalent fractions.


The bigger picture with algebra is that it's needed for trig, and trig is needed for calculus, and calculus is ultimately needed for physics and engineering.


If you are are interested in the role of math in a Classical education then you might be interested in a course in synthetic geometry in high school which amounts to Euclidean geometry with proofs. This isn't really "needed" if you are headed down the utilitarian math path in which case geometry will include lots of graphing.

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My oldest dds used Saxon 1-3 a year ahead (working 3 in second grade). They were not quite ready to write out the whole problem so we used ABeka 3 for one and Horizons 3 for the other (2 years difference in age but SAME level in math due to older dd's learning issues). Both of these texts flowed well from the Saxon 3 program. After that workbook year we went back to Saxon. Oldest dd spent a few months in 6/5 and then went into 7/6 before Christmas and youngest went right into 6/5.


When you switch programs (especially with independent publishers) it is important that you ignore the printed 'grade level' and place your student in the appropriate text conceptually.


ABeka and Saxon move at much different paces--but BOTH programs meet by the Pre-Algebra level--then Saxon pulls ahead. I'd NEVER recommend ABeka past the Pre-Algebra level for maths...e-mail me if you want to know why.


If ABeka is working then feel free to stay with it. Many ABeka users I know switch after ABeka 5...if you wait until after ABeka 6 you should be able to go right into the Pre-Algebra program that goes with the highschool program of your choice. It is OK to use ABeka through their Pre-Algebra--but definately switch after that!

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