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CPO Earth Science ISBN


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Sorry, I did not read carefully enough and I had a whole chart of the Focus on.....Ca. editions, and thought I'd be so helpful by putting it up here, and then, duh, I reread what you needed was NON-Calif. One way to find ISBNs, if I remember correctly, is to go to the CPO website and look at other state editions, where they use the actual CPO edition, not the switched around one that California uses. I think I got ISBNs from Tennesse or Georgia, and they were the real thing....or match up the pictures on the textbooks with the sales site you use. I started out wanting the regular editions, but then saw the Physical Science with Investigations included, new in plastic, for $7.


Good luck shopping, LBS

Edited by LBS
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Yes, that's true. However, I printed out all the online supplemental information and was able to match it up to my California edition chapters, just in different order. Not all of the Califoria edition investigations are represented in the online student sheets, but if you buy the investigations manual, you will have them all there.



Thank you for the information, everyone! It is my understanding that while the California editions are less expensive and more readily available, they don't line-up with the supplemental information online. Is that correct?
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