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How do you do memory work?


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We have used IEW's memory program in the past and while the kids and I loved the poems, I want to do something more like what is mentioned in TWTM. I did purchase Living Memory but was lost at what exactly to memorize and how exactly to go about it. Do you just go through random list such as helping verbs, math facts, famous people and so on? Do you explain what the list mean first or just go ahead and memorize them?

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I have to say that I really like the set up of Classical Conversations Memory Work.... You like parts and don't others... but it gives you a template. For instance, if you want to do another English grammar.... fine.. Just insert it where CC has theirs.... Or, if you don't want to do Greek and Roman Gods... fine.... sub another sentence.... BUT, it gives you a framework to work with... I have Living Memory, too... and it would be great to use it, with CC in my opinion...

And, how you would do it... is either one subject a day for each day of the week... (English today, Science tomorrow, History the next...) Or, do the whole thing on Mondays... and work during the week on review....


And... Dad gets to do a Science Experiment and Art on Saturdays:-)



Edited by NayfiesMama
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I use the organizer created by Rose Drake.


The kids have some say in what they memorize. I think we ( ALL) learn best when we are in control. And are studying what we either WANT to learn or at least see the point in learning.


We have some Latin vocab to memorize that comes from their Latin curricula. ( yes we use more than one, I can't commit to anything)

And poetry. Planet order. DS just memorized the prep list from FLL 3 and parts of speach definitions, but mostly poetry. oh and dabbling with US Presidents. ( I"m not sure about the point of this one.. in isolation that is. If we don't have the years and context,, it's just a list of names. )


memory work is something we do some together, but mostly it's on thier own.

Christine in Al.

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I have to say that I really like the set up of Classical Conversations Memory Work.... You like parts and don't others... but it gives you a template. For instance, if you want to do another English grammar.... fine.. Just insert it where CC has theirs.... Or, if you don't want to do Greek and Roman Gods... fine.... sub another sentence.... BUT, it gives you a framework to work with... I have Living Memory, too... and it would be great to use it, with CC in my opinion...

And, how you would do it... is either one subject a day for each day of the week... (English today, Science tomorrow, History the next...) Or, do the whole thing on Mondays... and work during the week on review....


And... Dad gets to do a Science Experiment and Art on Saturdays:-)




Do you use just the CC cards or the whole program? I think the cards look really nice.

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I use the organizer created by Rose Drake.


The kids have some say in what they memorize. I think we ( ALL) learn best when we are in control. And are studying what we either WANT to learn or at least see the point in learning.


We have some Latin vocab to memorize that comes from their Latin curricula. ( yes we use more than one, I can't commit to anything)

And poetry. Planet order. DS just memorized the prep list from FLL 3 and parts of speach definitions, but mostly poetry. oh and dabbling with US Presidents. ( I"m not sure about the point of this one.. in isolation that is. If we don't have the years and context,, it's just a list of names. )


memory work is something we do some together, but mostly it's on thier own.

Christine in Al.


Do you have a link? Thanks!

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We use SCM's memory system. Each kid has their own box, even the 4yo.


We add grammar lists as they come to them in their grammar books. I've never put math in their memory boxes though. We've done random lists for history, like lists of presidents or pharaohs, but not the lists of events. We use Veritas Press history which expects them to memorize the names of the cards instead (one card for each main history story). There's also an eclectic blend of famous speeches and quotes in there.


Our poetry comes from all sorts of places: Ambleside Online has great online collections, we own The Harp and Laurel Wreath, FLL provides some for the grammar stage kids, and sometimes they find one in a library book that they just love.


We've even had scout memory work added to those boxes. lol. :)



That looks very nice! Thanks.

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We do memory work on the computer using the free program Anki. Sparkle currently spends about 10 minutes per day at the computer doing memory work.

I throw everything in there - math, grammar, spelling rules, poetry, history tidbits, foreign language vocab, etc. - and it all gets mixed together. I pre-teach things before introducing them into memory work.

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