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CLE LA or R&S English for 7th grade?


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We have been using R&S English since 3rd grade and it has worked fine. I am a little nervous this upcoming year about how much time I want to devote to my oldest ds's grammar instruction. CLE seems like it would be more independent because we do a majority of R&S orally. Yes, I could start making him write out all the answers but writing for him is a big chore and I would rather have him put his energy towards real writing instead. I realize that there are several pages for each CLE lesson but they seem to be varied quite a bit. One reason I am hesitant to switch is because CLE would be harder to go back and look up a topic. I don't think there is an index.


Does anyone feel strongly one way or another for 7th grade english?

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Thanks. I forgot about the TM. I know it says it's optional but in general I find them useful.


I do plan on giving him the placement test just to see how he does with that style of work. He really needs help with reading directions carefully and doing the work correctly. His last English test he got a 70 not because he didn't know the material but because he didn't read all of the instructions.

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I am loving CLE LA 7 this year (we just started it after the holidays).... I got the answer keys and that SEEMS to be enough right now...


DS likes it all in 1 place... but I am having him do Writing Strands as well right now and then HOPE to do an IEW class next year..(budget allowing!)

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We're using CLE LA for all three kids, the boys are in levels 500 & 600. The only thing I don't care for is the lack of writing. Last year we used the Scott Foresman workbook and it had LOTS of very good writing exercises, but ends at 6th grade. We use Lightening Lit instead of the CLE reading (philosophy differences) and LL does have some writing involved.

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I was interested in CLE LA/reading for 7th because it doesn't add writing. We have been using IEW. I have read all the rave reviews about Lightning Lit and had originally planned to use it but when I look at the samples it just doesn't look like it will work with oldest ds. Also the scope of the elements learned in CLE looks much broader than LL but, on the other hand, I don't want a lot of busy work related to reading.


Oldest ds would also be reading many full length books based on our Medieval history studies no matter which reading program he uses. Up till this year he has not used any program but I feel he is lacking in understanding of several literary elements because of that. He is also a speed reader and although he shows good comprehension I think he tends to fly over difficult passages and vocabulary without trying to stop and understand them.


OK, I've hijacked my own thread from english to reading.

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I wouldn't worry about CLE's reading being busy work because its not. I used the 500 level last year and it was very meaty and far from being busy work at all.

My suggestion with CLE's reading is if you have a struggling reader to go one year below because for some reason the Light Units do not match up with the level of reading. They seemed to be a bit advanced as far as the work goes. From what I've heard CLE is working on fixing that issue but I don't see it fixed anytime soon. So if you have a good reader you can go with grade level but if not I suggest one level lower.

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That's good to know because I am also thinking of placing my upcoming 5th grader in CLE reading and he may benefit by jumping back a grade. He has been doing BJU reading up till this year because he really likes the stories but he hates the skill station days and the busywork in the workbook. He will be a young 5th grader (10 in August) and his reading is just starting to take off.


I also like how CLE focuses on the vocabulary and elements. I did bargain with 2nd ds that if he does do CLE reading next year I will still try to find a cheap copy of the readers from BJU. He really likes the short stories.

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I can understand your convictions. I have had to do a lot of explaining with our children especially in studying Greek myths and gods. I also believe a strong military is necessary so we will see how that goes.


I do have to admit I wanted to have a problem with CLE when I received a newsletter for their homeschool workshop and all female attendees HAD to wear a head covering and modest skirt. I can easily respect someone else's convictions and it is their convention and dress modestly (which may or may not be in a skirt), but I don't see the point in making someone where a head-covering when that is not their conviction.


That is the reason I choose R&S for bible because they stick with learning what is in the Bible and insert very little of their own philosophy.


Hopefully, I am not hijacking my thread again and turning it into controversy - I stink at it.

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I do have to admit I wanted to have a problem with CLE when I received a newsletter for their homeschool workshop and all female attendees HAD to wear a head covering and modest skirt. I can easily respect someone else's convictions and it is their convention and dress modestly (which may or may not be in a skirt)' date=' but I don't see the point in making someone where a head-covering when that is not their conviction.







I would NEVER wear a head covering (only if it's a hat). :001_huh:


I don't have a problem with CLE literature because the pacifistic views come up rarely.

Edited by MIch elle
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I do have to admit I wanted to have a problem with CLE when I received a newsletter for their homeschool workshop and all female attendees HAD to wear a head covering and modest skirt. I can easily respect someone else's convictions and it is their convention and dress modestly (which may or may not be in a skirt)' date=' but I don't see the point in making someone where a head-covering when that is not their conviction. [/quote']


Thus far, THAT is not something I've seen. I suspect it may be part of their home ec course, but we just don't use that.

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