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I heard a conversation........

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between two public school parents at an athletic event last week. Apparently their kids reported the teachers are not actually teaching students during the day, but spending many hours chatting via on-line message boards! During the school day no less!!! I couldn't believe it! But I guess you get what you pay for! That is why we home schoolers are really the best!

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Well, just yesterday I read a post by a homeschooling mother (on a different board) who was guilty of the same thing.


People were posting the benefits and perks of homeschooling, and her favorite was that she could "teach" her children while reading and posting on her message boards at the same time!


I'm sure all public school teachers don't do such an irresponsible thing, and I'm sure that some homeschoolers do. Stereotypes are useless.

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between two public school parents at an athletic event last week. Apparently their kids reported the teachers are not actually teaching students during the day, but spending many hours chatting via on-line message boards! During the school day no less!!! I couldn't believe it! But I guess you get what you pay for! That is why we home schoolers are really the best!

Well, there again, you get what you pay for. I'd say that most, if not all, of us here are very particular and dedicated when it comes to teaching our children. Then there are the parents that say they homeschool because they do not want to be bothered with getting their children ready for school early in the morning.


It really does go both ways. There are some excellent public school teachers. There are some really crappy public school teachers.

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Well, just yesterday I read a post by a homeschooling mother (on a different board) who was guilty of the same thing.


People were posting the benefits and perks of homeschooling, and her favorite was that she could "teach" her children while reading and posting on her message boards at the same time!


I'm sure all public school teachers don't do such an irresponsible thing, and I'm sure that some homeschoolers do. Stereotypes are useless.



Dulci, :iagree:

That is just terrible. I didn't mean to stereotype ALL public school teachers.


I am surprised about home schooling parents posting messages all day long. How terrible! They should know better! Why would you bring your children home so you can just chat on a message board all day?

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While I am horrified that a public school teacher would post messages during class time, I have to speak in defense of homeschooling moms who check in on a message board during the day. A public school teacher has 20-30 kids to supervise and coach, and/or that teacher is expected to lecture or direct an activity. A homeschool mom's day is different though.


I have only two children. My dd works well independently, and my son is young enough that his schooling only takes 3 hours or so, much of which is also done independently. My day is split into 10 to 15 minute chunks, all day. I might chat with dd about an assignment or some information for about ten minutes, and then she gets to work independently, usually for at least an hour at a time if not two.


My ds requires more hands-on instruction, but there again, we interact for ten or fifteen minutes and then he works on his own for a bit. Or, he might work on his own but sit right next to me for coaching along the way. He doesn't need my attention on every single thing he writes, but he needs me nearby for coaching and checking.


It is soooo common for me to slip onto TWTM board for a quick ten minutes here or there. Or I might be on TWTM, leaving that tab open on the computer while I interact with a kid for 10 or 15 minutes, and then come back to browse a few more posts before a kid needs me again. I have a hard time concentrating on much when I am available to the kids--a message board is ideal for short bursts. My kids have all that they need from me as a teacher, they truly do. I know other moms are much better at using their bits of time in between teaching to tidy the house or work on projects, but I find it difficult to do so. It's much easier for me to stay put at the desk, with them. Since they do not need my laser-focus on them every minute, it's fine to occupy my mind here in those down-times.


I'm sure my husband wishes the house were cleaner/tidier. I know I wish at times for longer periods of time for myself--I think longingly of the projects I could accomplish if I had a whole hour to really concentrate. That is not what my life is like now, though. My day happens in short chunks of time that doesn't allow for much outside of schooling to happen.

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