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Certifying Parents article in the WSJ

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"In the annals of judicial imperialism, we have arrived at a strange new chapter. A California court ruled this month that parents cannot "home school" their children without government certification. No teaching credential, no teaching. Parents "do not have a constitutional right to home school their children," wrote California appellate Justice Walter Croskey.


The 166,000 families in the state that now choose to educate their children at home must be stunned. But at least one political lobby likes the ruling. "We're happy," the California Teachers Association's Lloyd Porter told the San Francisco Chronicle. He says the union believes all students should be taught only by "credentialed" teachers, who will in due course belong to unions.


California law requires children between six and 18 to attend a full-time day school. Failure to comply means falling afoul of the state's truancy laws, which say kids can't play hooky without an excuse. But kids who are taught at home are less likely to be truants. Their parents choose to spend their time teaching English, math and science precisely because they don't think the public schools do a good enough job"....

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This was my favorite:


That so many families turn to home schooling is a market solution to a market failure -- namely the dismal performance of the local education monopoly.


Okay, so it's really not the only reason that many of us home school. But it tickled me anyway. Goodness knows it would be reason enough for me, even if all my other reasons vanished in a puff of smoke.

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Excellent piece. While we are conservatives, I really prefer articles that point out the broader range of homeschoolers. It seems really easy to write us off for being crazy conservative Christians, when the education reasons are just as valid and a bit harder to dismiss.

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This was my favorite:




Okay, so it's really not the only reason that many of us home school. But it tickled me anyway. Goodness knows it would be reason enough for me, even if all my other reasons vanished in a puff of smoke.


Sing it, sister! :iagree:


I do, however, wish they'd stop with the references to East Germany, etc. That kind of fearmongering rhetoric is not helpful.

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