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It's Not Too Late.........

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I will be away from the board for a couple of days so I am bumping the SPECS from another post in case anyone needs them. IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO PARTICIPATE! Go to the Scarlett's Quilt Social Group and take a look at the amazingly creative squares that I have received so far........If it's 6.5", then put your hive name on it and get it in the mail to me. There are SO many wonderful (and easy) ways to whip something up.......it can be as simple as a square that coordinates with the color scheme in a pattern that you like with your name on it in permanent fabric marker to something incredibly complicated with needle, thread and that kind of stuff.

7_20_7.gif Quilt1.jpg


The squares you send in should be 6.5 in / 16.5 cm

Leave a 1/2 in seam allowance with no decoration around the edge just to be safe. You do not need to finish the edges.

We are shooting for a rich earthy color scheme with reds and browns as a base. (and maybe even a little leopard print) Here are some examples for colors.


Broken Chair

Tork, Bridge to Hope

Echoes of Africa


Please sign your board name on your square. (no, not in washable marker!)


All squares should be cotton fabric and pre-washed.


If there is a story along with your square please include that as well.


Let's make a beautiful and happy quilt for Scarlett! Thank you everyone for your help.


I will be away for a couple of days beginning tomorrow (2/12), but I should be able to get back online Sunday night. Cadam can answer any questions and if she has my address and you need it, she can provide it to you. I am hoping that in about 2 more weeks, these will go off to Scarlett so her mom can begin the process of putting all this wonderful handiwork together.


And, again, check out the social group, look at what I've received so far, and use your imagination.



Edited by MariannNOVA
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And, again, check out the social group, look at what I've received so far, and use your imagination.



I'd love to see the photos, but one has to be a member of the group to see them.


Can someone who is not making a square join the group?




(I'd make one, but I don't know how to quilt.)

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I'd love to see the photos, but one has to be a member of the group to see them.


Can someone who is not making a square join the group?




(I'd make one, but I don't know how to quilt.)


Hi, Chucki -- I will send you an invite to join the group -- and yes, you can join whether or not you have made a square. BUT, quilting is not a necessary skill: permanent fabric markers, knitting or crocheting.....the possibilities are endless and quilting is only one option. Someone did the most ingenious thing.....she straight stitched together three coordinating pieces of fabric -- each piece was 2.2" wide and 6.5" in length --I'm trying to think who did it but I've put everything away but when you go to the pix, you will see it -- it was an absolutely genius way to do a square - and I think she did three of them.

My kids are doing to do something with fabric paint and squares of fabric that they select that they like (and that match the general color scheme) --

And the easiest thing of all to do, check out the color scheme, get a 6.5" square of something beautiful like velvet or satin, and just put your name on the front or back in permanent marker (or stitch it if you can) and it will be gorgeous.

I'll get the invite done right now. :)

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