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Homeschooling Law for Michigan

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This is from another group, and I thought some here might be interested. Sorry if this has already been posted, I looked back a few pages and didn't see anything.


"Dear Friends ~


We have recently formed the Home Education League of Michigan (HELM) to provide critical information to home educators, and to sponsor Homeschool Family Day at the Capitol. We thought that this critical information would be of interest to you.


One of the most anti-homeschooling bills drafted in recent years has just been introduced into the Michigan House. HB 5912 was introduced in the state house on March 19, 2008, by Reps. Clack (D), Hammon(D), Constan (D), Johnson (D), Hammel (D), Vagnozzi (D), Alma Smith (D), Meadows (D), LeBlanc (D), Simpson(D), Robert Jones (D), Virgil Smith (D), Jackson (D), Leland (D), Bauer (D), Kathleen Law (D), Polidori (D), Corriveau (D), Ebli (D), Sheltrown (D), Wojno (D), Farrah (D), Miller (D), and Dean (D).


This bill has been referred to the House Committee on Education.


This bill will specify that parents, in order to homeschool legally, will have to provide the name of each child, the school district, city, and township or county in which the parent or guardian resides, and the name and address of the legal guardian to their Superintendent of Schools. This bill strikes directly at your freedom to homeschool without interference.


This is a call to action. Please go to the Home Education League of Michigan website (http://www.HomeEdMI.net) and click on the menu item “HB-5912†(this means House Bill number 5912). This webpage is designed to make it easier for you to send an email to your representative and to the education committee members. Please pass this email on to both homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers and encourage them to send an email as well.


Your Representative needs to hear from you today."

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Thank you for posting this... I hadn't seen it anywhere else. While on first glance it is only registering (some might not think that's too horrible as there are plenty of other states where you have to do that). But I don't like where it could possibly lead. (I shudder to think what other homeschooling laws they might try to pass if this one goes through) Especially since our current governor in MI isn't exactly homeschool friendly.

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Okay - so does someone have a letter they've written in an instance like this that I could adapt for this situation? I feel the need to get involved in this, but don't want to spend the time reinventing the wheel if it's already been done!




Here's mine - not much to it, but it's likely just getting screened & counted by staffers anyway...

"I was concerned to read about the proposed legislation of HB 5912 that would require homeschoolers to register with the local public school district. This does not serve any purpose other than the government keeping tabs on citizens who are not causing any harm, and it will cost tax dollars to administer. It is an invasion of privacy, and likely a gateway to further legislation limiting homeschooling. Please do not allow this to continue, and keep our state free of the burdens this would cause for both homeschooling families and the school districts (they have enough to do!)."

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