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A Reason for Handwriting (& Spelling) only have 28 weeks of work!!!!


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I just discovered that there are only 28 weeks of work in Reason for Handwriting and Reason for Spelling. That means we will be done with them both at the end of Feb!!:glare: We haven't been working ahead, just one week at a time. Now I don't know what to do to finish out the year. It just dosn't seem right to skip these subjects for 2-3 months just because we finished the book. I really don't want to start dd in the grade 2 books yet. What am I supposed to do now?!?!:confused:

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Use the practice lessons at the front of the book?


We always start the year with enough practice pages to fill us out for the year ... it helps for review.


You might also photocopy a few of the blank copywork pages, and review a few favorite verses as repeat copywork, or pick your own copywork for the extra weeks.


It wouldn't hurt to move up a grade on those workbooks, really, as there's extra work in the Transitions book when you move from print to cursive, so you'd be able to restructure there if needed. The verses in B are longer writing, but not too awful.


ETA: I'm only talking about the handwriting, as we don't use the spelling yet so I don't know how that one works.

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