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Am I having ds do too much?


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I'm wondering if I'm overkilling things, and I'd like some advice from the hive.


My ds is in first grade, and we do AAS, FLL and WWE every day (well WWE is actually 4 days a week). Should I be doing all this every day or should I do spelling & grammar one day, writing and spelling another, grammar and writing another, etc? He's starting to drag his feet with these subjects since we've added spelling to the schedule (right after Christmas). I'm wondering if he's hitting verbal overload? He was doing fine with just FLL and WWE.


Also, he's enjoying AAS, so I don't think it's an issue of the spelling program being the problem. He also does ETC daily as well...

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Well, for starters, FLL is designed to be done 2-3 times a week. So you could definitely cut back on that. Do you use ETC to teach phonics? I would probably drop ETC in favor of AAS if that's what you're planning on using long-term.


For comparison, my 1st grader does spelling 4 days a week (our own program), FLL 3 days a week (though usually more than one lesson), and WWE 4 days a week (2 lessons a day). So I don't think you are necessarily doing too much.


One last thought - are you doing them all in a row, or with breaks in between? How is his reading?

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We use all the same programs - AAS, ETC, WWE, FLL. Spelling is my daughter's favorite subject, or so she says most of the time. :)


I would think that doing all these subjects every single day would be overkill. The important subjects like reading and math I can see doing everyday though.


Here's what we do:

AAS: 3x/week

ETC: 3x/week along with OPG

WWE: 2x/week

FLL: 2x/week


You can click the curriculum link on my blog. It says Kindergarten, but it's more like First Grade stuff.

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I don't know much about the particular programs. . . but I'd look at scheduling and total time. IME, 2 hours a day of schooling MAX should be plenty for a typical (or accelerated) 1st grader. I prefer to get it done in less than 3 hours total (including break time.)


Having plenty of FREE time seems to keep my littles cooperative for their schooling. If the FREE time is minimal, they resist almost anything.


:) HTH

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We do the following:


CLE LA - 4x a week

ETC book - 3x a week

ETC online & Phonics Pathways - 2x a week

CLE Reading - 4x a week

Random Reading - 1x a week (a book of his choice)


He does copywork via Pentime handwriting, built in to CLE LA and ETC in the book.




Mon - CLE LA, Pentime, ETC Book, Reading


Tues - CLE LA, Pentime, ETC online/PP, Reading


Wed - CLE LA, Pentime, ETC Book, Reading


Thurs - ETC Book, Pentime (we have co-op this day, so the load is lighter)


Fri - CLE LA, Pentime, ETC online/PP, Reading book of his choice.


Spelling is included with CLE LA in each lesson (as is copywork). Creative writing in included once every 3 weeks or so.

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I am bumping this up b/c I have the same concern about my son for first grade next year.


We currently do OPGTR and ETC and want to continue with both of those next year.


Would like to add n FLL, WWE and AAS, but like the OP I am worried it would be too much.


Would love to hear how often a week everyone does all of these programs.

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I thought I was overscheduling some... thank you all for sharing your schedules.


I just learned last week that FLL is meant to be done 2-3x/wk. Goes to show how carefully I read the intro! I think if I scale that back to its intended timing, move WWE to 2x/wk (doing 2 at once), and moving AAS to 3x/wk, our days should move more smoothly. I hadn't even thought of getting rid of ETC as someone mentioned... I'm going to reanalyze that.


I've been finding, I'm scrambling to get read-alouds, science and SOTW in. He loves these subjects, so it's all he wants to do, but I'm so bent on making sure the core is incredibly solid that I think I was scheduling more than necessary. I need to keep remembering that it's not all meant to be learned in this stage, and that skills are revisited some, and then built upon.


Thanks again for helping me to work this out, ladies!

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I'm using those three programs (or will be - we haven't started WWE yet, I'm just having dd do copywork right now).


4 times a week - copywork or WWE

Alternate spelling and grammar - spelling on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and grammar on Tuesday and Thursday

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