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Right Start game questions...


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Right Start users... How practical is it to combine siblings for the RS games? Can a 1st grader play with a 2nd grader, and both still have a good time despite the gap in math skills?? I'm guessing the K'er would probably be lost in the games?


Our boys will be 2nd, 1st, and a young K next year. I was thinking of getting the RS games kit (not the whole curriculum), and using it alongside CLE math, or something similar.


How well would that work??

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I think that your only problem would be regarding the competitiveness of your boys. I know that my 6 yo dd has quite an issue with losing (as did her older brother when he was 3 - 9ish), to the point that she doesn't want to play a game if she rarely wins. When I ask her older brother to play math games with her, I ask him to throw the game (I also make a point of losing). Currently she thinks that she is fantastic at math, so it's worth the deception :D.


Not to hijack the thread, but I wonder if there is a way to make some of the more popular games co-operative, esp. for close ages like diaperjoys? Anyone out there BTDT?

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It depends on what they're playing. Sylvia picked up Go to the Dump very quickly, but I wouldn't think she'd do too well with Corners.


My 9yo, 7yo, and 4yo all play Go to the Dump all the time and love it. I pull an extra set of number cards and match them up in front of my 4yo as a "cheat sheet" and he does great researching his matches. He has caught on to some of the pairs already and I've noticed him "cheating" less each time and he wins often. My oldest just loves card games, so he has fun playing with the younger ones.


I really need to read up to find more good games for the trio.

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I have my kids play together. Let me see if I can type out what I do in a coherent way. :D


Sweet Pea (my oldest) is strong conceptually, so she gets the short end of the stick. She plays at Pumpkin's (my 10yo) level (D) and not games at her own level (E). To somewhat balance that I will have her continue to play games as long as Pumpkin is still doing RS, so eventually my oldest will be exposed to all the games.


Monday: Sweet Pea and Pumpkin play a game at Pumpkin's level. Honey Dew and String Bean play a game at String Bean's level.

Tuesday: Sweet Pea, Pumpkin and Honey Dew play a game at Honey Dew's level. and I play a game with String Bean.

Wednesday: Repeat of Monday.

Thursday: Repeat of Tuesday. Except once in a while I have Honey Dew play a solitaire game while the older two get in another at their level.



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I have my kids play together. Let me see if I can type out what I do in a coherent way. :D


Sweet Pea (my oldest) is strong conceptually, so she gets the short end of the stick. She plays at Pumpkin's (my 10yo) level (D) and not games at her own level (E). To somewhat balance that I will have her continue to play games as long as Pumpkin is still doing RS, so eventually my oldest will be exposed to all the games.


Monday: Sweet Pea and Pumpkin play a game at Pumpkin's level. Honey Dew and String Bean play a game at String Bean's level.

Tuesday: Sweet Pea, Pumpkin and Honey Dew play a game at Honey Dew's level. and I play a game with String Bean.

Wednesday: Repeat of Monday.

Thursday: Repeat of Tuesday. Except once in a while I have Honey Dew play a solitaire game while the older two get in another at their level.






Thanks! That is helpful! In our situation is is DS #2 who is strongest conceptually, so they may well be able to play at the level of DS #1. I can just buy the game set to do this, right??

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Thanks! That is helpful! In our situation is is DS #2 who is strongest conceptually, so they may well be able to play at the level of DS #1. I can just buy the game set to do this, right??


Yes, many people here just use the games and not the whole program.



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