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s/o Testing in Virginia


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I have not tested at home before -- the kids have taken the SAT in school as this is our first full year of homeschooling

(I put the twins in public school prior to 'testing season' when they were in first grade, and they were tested there). I did administer tests (SAT) as an elementary school classroom teacher and proctored tests (SAT) as a parent volunteer.


Are parents allowed to select the 'test' their children take? (ITBS, SAT, or something else?)


I have two third graders and a fifth grader: will I be able to test them all at home? I have a college degree and I have read the other thread regarding proof of a degree, etc, and I am prepared to do that.


Thanks, and now I am off to read the VA-homeschoolers link to look for testing info there as well.



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Yes, absolutely, you can test your children at home, and you select the test.


To use the ITBS, you generally have to meet the standards of the test supplier, which includes a college degree. We used the CAT last year, and are planning to use the ITBS this year.


I have not tested at home before -- the kids have taken the SAT in school as this is our first full year of homeschooling

(I put the twins in public school prior to 'testing season' when they were in first grade, and they were tested there). I did administer tests (SAT) as an elementary school classroom teacher and proctored tests (SAT) as a parent volunteer.


Are parents allowed to select the 'test' their children take? (ITBS, SAT, or something else?)


I have two third graders and a fifth grader: will I be able to test them all at home? I have a college degree and I have read the other thread regarding proof of a degree, etc, and I am prepared to do that.


Thanks, and now I am off to read the VA-homeschoolers link to look for testing info there as well.



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They do accept the CAT (which you can buy from Seton in Front Royal.) You can buy the IOWA from Bob Jones, once you submit your qualifications (college degree will do it.) There is a world of difference between these two tests.


Plus, you have to have active homeschool groups out there that band together and test the Stanford. My daughter's best friend lives in Fairfax and the homeschool support out there is phenomenal.


Plus, some counties will test their homeschoolers for free (usually sometime in April.) Of course that may have been cut from the budget by now.

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They do accept the CAT (which you can buy from Seton in Front Royal.) You can buy the IOWA from Bob Jones, once you submit your qualifications (college degree will do it.) There is a world of difference between these two tests.


Plus, you have to have active homeschool groups out there that band together and test the Stanford. My daughter's best friend lives in Fairfax and the homeschool support out there is phenomenal. Interesting -- we live in Fairfax County (Oakton) and yes, h/s support is phenomenol. I will look on SHARENET and see if there is any info about the SAT.


Plus, some counties will test their homeschoolers for free (usually sometime in April.) Of course that may have been cut from the budget by now.

Two years ago, Fairfax County would test for a nominal fee ($8. per child? I think) - but, yes, you are right, the budget cuts are actually making the nightly news so there may likely be changes now.


Thanks! Mariann

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It's very easy to test at home here in VA, according to state law they must accept any nationally normed standardized test. Who gives the test isn't an issue at all. The only requirements for that are determined by the test producer (VA doesn't care) I've always tested them at home myself or had my dh do it. We used the CAT from seton and the ITBS from bob jones. This year we'll use the ITBS again (we like the way the results are stated on the report) but we're going to try Brewer Testing Services, they seem to have a quicker turn around time than Bob Jones and don't require you to pre-register like Bob Jones. The Bob Jones pre-register is simple though if you choose to go that way. Basically fill out a form attach a copy of your degree or college transcript and send it in. Like I said we're only trying Brewer to see if we get results back quicker.

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