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Time Line Categories


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I am getting ready to start my very own time line! I am so excited - I've been wanting to do this for a long time.


I plan to add things to the time line as I learn about them, much the same as we do with school - although I think mine will be much more detailed than my sons. I want to bring some order to that detail, though. I am wondering if it would be worthwhile to color code my entries - using a different color of ink for different categories. Has anyone else ever done this? How many categories did you have? Was it manageable over the long term?


Some of the categories I have thought of are:


Other Religions

U S History/Politics (for presidents, significant laws, etc.)

World History/Politics (same as US, but for other countries)



Visual Arts (painting, sculpture, photography)

Performing Arts (music, dance)

Literature (authors and works)



If I needed to, I could group science & math into one category and all arts into one category. I don't want to make it too busy w/too many different colors, nor do I want to make it so complicated that I can't figure out how to categorize something.


BTW - I will be using the Book of Time from SL. The format is one that meets my needs.


Any ideas for me?

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I do this sort of. I made my own timeline just like the Add A Century Timelines - they were just too expensive for me. I made grids on the timeline with History, Science & Technology, Literature & Theater, Art & Music, Misc. and Books Read. The only thing I think I wish I had added is Important People. I just put them in under History, but a separate one would have been better.


Good luck,

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I do this sort of. I made my own timeline just like the Add A Century Timelines - they were just too expensive for me. I made grids on the timeline with History, Science & Technology, Literature & Theater, Art & Music, Misc. and Books Read. The only thing I think I wish I had added is Important People. I just put them in under History, but a separate one would have been better.

Good luck,


So, I just briefly looked at the time line that you mentioned. It looks like you mark off sections horizontally for the different categories - is that right? Then what are the vertical lines for - to line up the dates? Doing something like that would keep me from having to use so many different colors. Do you contain a note to a particular square or do you let it cross squares and make a note of the exact date?


This looks interesting.

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I think I am going to make my own timeline just for myself too! I am going to use the Add-A-Century timeline.


Between all the posts here, all the major categories seem to be listed. One thing that I see in timeline books is a "Daily Life" category. Scroll through the first pages of this book to see what they give as examples:



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I use the Add-a-Century timeline with the following categories:



War, Government & Politics

Science & Technology

Religion & Mythology

Great Men & Women

Daily Life

The Arts

Fictional Characters


Figures are created in a Word table with the following borders:


Near and Middle East-green

Africa including Egypt - orange

India and the Far East - red

The Americas -blue



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I am getting ready to start my very own time line! I am so excited - I've been wanting to do this for a long time.


I plan to add things to the time line as I learn about them, much the same as we do with school - although I think mine will be much more detailed than my sons. I want to bring some order to that detail, though. I am wondering if it would be worthwhile to color code my entries - using a different color of ink for different categories. Has anyone else ever done this? How many categories did you have? Was it manageable over the long term?


Some of the categories I have thought of are:


Other Religions

U S History/Politics (for presidents, significant laws, etc.)

World History/Politics (same as US, but for other countries)



Visual Arts (painting, sculpture, photography)

Performing Arts (music, dance)

Literature (authors and works)



If I needed to, I could group science & math into one category and all arts into one category. I don't want to make it too busy w/too many different colors, nor do I want to make it so complicated that I can't figure out how to categorize something.


BTW - I will be using the Book of Time from SL. The format is one that meets my needs.


Any ideas for me?


We have been doing a timeline for a while here. I made them, but they are similar to SL's Book of Time, my are done in Landscape. I make it pretty easy. They put the timeline figure in their book, but they draw around the picture (outline) in a different color. We outline them like this; American History is blue, Wars in black, ALL other history is green, ALL arts performing and visual are brown, Science including Inventors are yellow, ALL religion is red with a second line in the same color around Christian related events.

I want to add, that we made it this simple because quite honestly the kids will NOT remember the colors. And this mad it easy being there were so few. The goal for us was to see ALL of history in one timeline.

Edited by Pongo
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So, I just briefly looked at the time line that you mentioned. It looks like you mark off sections horizontally for the different categories - is that right? Then what are the vertical lines for - to line up the dates? Doing something like that would keep me from having to use so many different colors. Do you contain a note to a particular square or do you let it cross squares and make a note of the exact date?


This looks interesting.


Mine doesn't have the grids, I just put in horizontal lines. I did this in Excel and the labels are on each side of the timelines - on the left for the left page and on the right for the right page. I then have a template that I use for the actual timeline figures/pictures we put on it. I find any picture we like from google images and then just add whatever date and note below that that works. Then I paste it under the correct category/date combination.


I made four of these timelines - one for each time period - Ancients, Middle Ages, Early Modern and Modern. They fold up into a nice stack and then unfold so you can spread it across the table or floor, etc. I can also add a page if needed, like that add a century timeline - the key is shipping tape. ;) LOL I just lined each side of the page with shipping tape and then use a tiny piece of tape to attach the pieces together. If you want to take it apart, just undo the tiny pieces of tape and put in a new page.


I had done the wall timeline (took up a whole wall) and I'd done the book timeline (didn't have the same visual effect) so this is the best of both worlds and the kids love it. I can give more details or send my templates if you like. I'll try to take some pics later and add them so you can see too.

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