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Other Classical Education Models?

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I have a friend (who follows much of WTM) who asked me if there are other models of Classical Education. I know CM is one. Are there others that have an outlined method like WTM does?


I think that Veritas Press would fall well within the classical model as would Logos. Logos is affiliated with (or maybe started by) Douglas Wilson, who wrote The Case for Classical Christian Education. Veritas Press is the catalog affiliated with a classical school in Pennsylvania. I have cheerfully used products from both of these, sometimes in place of WTM recommendations, sometimes alongside. The Imitations in Writing books from Logos have been the only way that I've been able to implement anything like IEW for writing.


I'm not familiar with these other models, but a few names do spring to mind


Thomas Jefferson Education

Latin Centered Curriculum

Classical Converstations

Junior Great Books


Also the catalog from Emmanuel Books has a lot that would contribute to a classical education. Laura Berquist wrote Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum and many of the books in Emmanuel are keyed to that.

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Hillsdale Academy is a school associated with Hillsdale College. They have their curriculum guide available for download. I can't remember if it follows the idea of three stages of the trivium or if I was just impressed by the general rigor of the school, but I remember liking the guide when I read through it years ago.


I think that you might also argue that K12 curriculum that is based on the idea of there being a body of core knowledge that is an essential part of education are in a sense classical schools.

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