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One more question, I promise!!!!

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Those of you who don't live in the US, where do you watch the Olympics? They are coming up in February and we have missed so many of them that we don't want to miss these! I know they're on NBC in the US, but, we don't get NBC here. Does anyone know where else to look?


I think they'll be on CBC here, but I don't know if you can get that there, either?

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WHen we were in Europe, we watched on Eurosport. It was in German, I think, but the scores are the scores and the names aren't English necessarily anyway. We much preferred the coverage on Eurosport since they showed more sports and hardly any stories.


The only tricky thing is that each country tends to mainly show the disciplines that their people are likely to get medals in. Not such a big deal for the Winter Olympics, but the summer ones are so big, that there is a lot of chooling to be done.

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