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paperbackswap.com questions--I recently signed up and

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Most every book I am interested in has to go on my wish list--very few are readily available. How long do you generally have to wait for a book? How likely is it that I will eventually get the books on my wish list if I am #100-something in line?:eek:


What has been your experience?

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I've very rarely have gotten a book on my wish list, if I do, it's usually an older book that may be a "classic" nothing new has ever come up for me. But I have found many other titles readily available. I think if it's a recently released book or something rare on your wish list item, it's unlikely that you will get it, you are better off purchasing it if you really want it.


Have fun!


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I started with paperbackswap over a year ago. Some books I have had on my list since then. I have found this depends on how popular a book is. If the book is on the bestseller list then more of them seem to get swapped and thus they come on more quickly even if you are number 100 and something. What I did wha track a few of the one I wanted most. Once a week I would note where I was on the list (I made a chart because well that is just me) Some of the more popular book I have gotten have been Harry Potter books 5, 6 and 7, Salt, Short History of Everything, Twilight, . For most of these I was 100 something when I put them on my list.

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Although most of the books on my wishlist don't have 100 people waiting in line, I have been very surprised at how many of them that have come up. It really just depends. I agree that if it's something you really want and don't want to wait, then just buy it. But if you don't need it right away and can wait, then it can't hurt to put in on your wishlist until you do decide to buy it.

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