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Decluttering Binge

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I am on a declutterng binge this afternoon. So far I have raided the kids clothes and the linen closet. I filled 2 green garbage bags (my last 2) and then switched to those white kitchen catcher bags and have filled 20 more. I am not even done the laundry yet so there will be TONS more to go before this day is through. I also hauled my dd's old sewing machine out of her closet, and 3 sets of hanging shelves that have been sitting in her closet for years.


I have been working so hard hauling all the bags down to the front door I started getting shaky from my heart beating so fast(yikes nothing like confirming how out of shape you are), so I am taking a short break then on to tackle the bathroom cupboard while I am in their cleaning.


It is like spring weather today so I have opened windows to air out rooms in addition to this and my normal cleaning. The rooms seem so much more relaxing than before. Can't wait to start on my room after the bathroom, then onto the main floor.

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So glad you're having such a productive day!


Just wondering, though... is the family doing:



Or: :gnorsi:




They don't even know yet lol The middle 2 slept over at grandma's and have not come home yet, ds11 has been out playing with friends for most of the day so they don't know that I raided their rooms lol.


I did a goodwill drop off right before xmas and another last week, but this will be my biggest one for a long while. The good news is I got the kids clothes and the linen closet down to a small enough amount that I will not have to do it again before the move unless they outgrow something.

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Can you send some of those decluttering vibes my way? I have no motivation right now, but so much needs to be accomplished.


~~~~ sending some vibes your way right now~~~~ Actually I had very little energy before I started it. I popped on some music and just got down to business and now I am finding I don't want to stop. I will keep going until I crash or until I hit the basement which ever comes first.


The basement is one area I am scared to declutter. Even after I had that dumpster a few months ago my basement is still packed with stuff. I plan on getting another dumpster and sending all 4 kids to grandma's one weekend and going nuts down there pitching almost everything.

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