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Getting Thin in 2010 - Accountability

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So here's our accountability, maybe the hardest part of all - to brag on the "successes"...and admit the "misses". But if helping another along the way comes from honest evaluations of ourselves, let's take a chance and let it all hang out. :)


Here is where we can say: "I did it" or "I'm going to do it" or "I didn't do it" or...admit our frustrations...or get the courage to keep going...or start again.


I may not know you in real life. You may not know me. Or do we??? For if you have come here to this place chances are that you wish you were more fit...or thinner...or more active...or you've been there before. So perhaps we do know each other...or at least what we may be feeling or thinking. So here's to inspiration, goal setting, encouragement...and accountability.


And here's to good health in 2010!

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You're very motivating and encouraging!!:D


Not sure what we should post in this thread? I will say I'm having a good day. DH and DS are gone cleaning out in-laws garage so we can store some stuff there in prep for a move. So DD and I are doing some cleaning out and packing ourselves. I am getting rid of SO. MUCH. STUFF. It feels really good! I got to reminisce over some old pics and saved keepsakes too. That's always nice and didn't make me too melancholy!


I have been right on track with my foods today too. No exercise but that's because I'm busting my booty around the house. I am off right now to down my vitamins, drink 16oz of water and take a shower. Then I'll have a cup of tea. That should get me through my 3pm slump where I might normally go looking for sugar!:tongue_smilie:

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Hey guys! I was doing pretty good until I pulled off into the Subway................to buy 3 snickerdoodles!. Took yesterday off after staying up late Monday prepping for co-op classes that I hadn't spent anytime on during Christmas break. I was exhausted. I had 3 weeks to do it. You'd think I could have found the time. Anyway. Even if its midnight I will find the time to squeeze in my exercise. Remember to drink your water ladies. Don't let this year be the same as the last. Today is the only day you've got. Lets do something with it. There was 50 of us just the other day. How are you all doing? Ruby

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Last week I started exercising and simply due to budget cuts, I've been eating less. Last week I lost 3 lbs! I got sore doing it though and took a "break". I too got exhausted from putting together & presenting Art Day for my co-op and decided to take the day off... then the weekend... and here we are in this week. Haven't weighed myself this week, but it's nice to know I CAN do this when I put my mind to it, and it's not the drudgery I've been avoiding for years. Oh ya, I made homemade cookies 2 days this week for the sole purpose of satisfying my cravings. Guess I should stop doing that. :D


I watched about 10 min. of a cooking show and picked up a discarded women's magazine from the library - both have been inspiration to try new (healthier) foods & recipes. Here's to climbing back onto the ol' wagon!

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